Mass Media Text Friends By Marta Kauffman

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Mass Media Text Coursework

'Friends', is an American television sitcom produced by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which aired from 1994 right through to 2004, all together lasting 10 seasons. The entire series is based on five characters all talking about their friendships and romances they encounter throughout their daily lives. However, the television series rarely brings us to the importance of race, gender and class, something which could easy have been developed.

Television plays a very important part in today's society, after all, it's what a large number of people spend their spare time doing. Television almost creates a connection from the outside world to our living rooms (Fiske, 2003; Press, 1991). This is a very important …show more content…

In order for a series to stay popular, especially after 10 seasons, it needs to reach a wide variety of people. By Friends discussing the importance of friendships and romances, they are able to reach common grounds with the viewers, which is inevitable for a television series to succeed, which is the main reason why it is still discussed and watched 12 years on. The reason why I chose this specific mass media product, is because Friends should be studied to locate deeper connections between relationship, televised messages and their connections to our …show more content…

Cultural hegemony is the idea that the ruling class can manipulate the system and society, so that their view, becomes everyone else's. In Eagleton's words, “Gramsci normally uses the word hegemony to mean the ways in which governing power wins consent to its rule from those it subjugates”, this shows how much of an influence the ruling class has over it's working class citizens.

Hegemony is an extremely critical theory as it's constantly analysing the social practices and the “distribution of power in society”, (Littlejohn and Foss, Theories of Human Communication, 2005). The term hegemony, is vastly used by media researchers to exhibit ways that texts represent the dominant ideologies of society on television (Bertrand and Hughes, 2005). Littlejohn and Foss described the relationship of hegemony and mass media as “ dominant ideology perpetuates the interests of certain classes over others, and the media obviously plays a major role in this

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