Maslow's Fishbowl

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Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist and author of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, once stated, “In any given moment we have two options: To step forward into growth, or step back into safety.” This quote simply defines the price of comfort. Nearly every child has owned a fish bowl. For many it’s their first responsibility; it's almost a rite of passage to be seen as responsible enough to take care of another organism. But what many people do not realize, is that they are living in their own fish bowl. It is human nature to become content with comfort. It is easy to ignore one’s potential in order to feel secure. So like fish in a bowl with no predators or obstacles, one constantly swims in circles, making no progress. It is for that reason …show more content…

In a fishbowl everything is known, nothing is left to be learned. When life presents one with no challenges or obstacles, life is easy. In many cases easy is seen as desirable. When an individual feels secure, they feel no need to try new things or test their potential. They may feel it is unnecessary to leave their fishbowl because they have everything they need where they are, living the life they are living. Because of this concept many fail to realize their true potential. Without testing one’s limits, he will never know what he is truly capable of. One may feel content with their low paying job because it's easy and rarely presents a challenge. Because of this that individual may ignore other opportunities or employment because certainty is not guaranteed. By staying in the fishbowl, or comfort zone, a endless amount of opportunities are ignored. But to many people that is okay. They’d rather live safely than take a risk and leave the bowl. Human’s desire comfort and fear leaving …show more content…

A koi fish placed into a fishbowl will only grow to what the bowl permits it. The fish will most likely only grow to be three inches in length; however, a koi fish placed into a pond will grow up to a foot in length. Like the fish, people have greater potential outside of their fish bowl or comfort zone. When leaving one’s comfort zone, one is entering an ocean of possibilities. Greater success and growth can be found in this ocean. No progress can be made, personally or societally, in an environment lacking uncertainty. No man felt comfortable stepping on the space shuttle heading to the moon in 1969. But those men ignored their insecurities in order to see the mission’s potential. Without stepping out of their fish bowl of security, they would have never accomplished one of the greatest moments in America’s history. One must leave the bowl, encounter obstacles, hurdle life’s complications, and create solutions in order to make any difference in their life, or in the lives of others. Outside the bowl one can test their limits and accomplish things he never imagined. Outside of one’s comfort zone is the only place that progress can be

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