Essay On Curious George

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Curious George is book about a very curious monkey named George. The character of George is dominated by the id. The id is part of Sigmund Freud's conception of human consciousness which consists of three distinct parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is the instinctual aspect of the mind, which is run by the pleasure principle. According to the dictionary, the pleasure principle is the instinctive drive to seek pleasure and avoid pain, expressed by the id as a basic motivating force. The people that are dominated by the id do not think before they act which means that everything they do is based on instinct. George's actions, such as taking a hat, attempting to fly, calling the fire department, and grabbing balloons were all decisions …show more content…

The human consciousness, the id, that dominated George was evident from the start. The story started off with George taking a hat from a man because of his curiosity. He did not think about the consequences which resulted in his captivity. Similarly, when George was on the boat, he saw birds flying and decided that he wanted to fly as well. He stood on the rails and jumped, causing him to fall into the water. Even after experiencing the consequence of his actions, George was still unable to control his urges. When he saw the man using the telephone, he became curious and wanted to try it out as well. He used the telephone and he ended up calling the fire department. This action caused the fire department to react, thinking it was an emergency. His actions angered the firemen and they decided to put him in jail. George eventually escaped but his experiences did not deter him from making another decision based on instinct. After escaping, he saw a red balloon and decided that he must get the balloon. He accidentally grabbed the whole bunch which caused him to fly up in the air. He did not think about the consequences and what could’ve happened if he accidentally let go of the

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