When it comes to heroes, many people think about Superman, Spiderman, and Batman. These superheroes are looked up to for their special talent or abilities that us people don't have. In reality a hero is a person who is admired for his or her success in life. You don't have to be a superhero with special powers to be a hero.
Todays heroes should be historical heroes, personal hero, or even someone who volunteers to help their communities. There are tons of people who have influenced the world and are considered a hero.
In america one historical figure we look up to is Martin Luther King Jr. he made a really big impact on the society and how they look at things differently. Martin Luther King Jr. helped his community of African-Americans and other colored people fight for there rights. This
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It is rather easy to make a difference to someone's life, our planet and our animals. All you have to decide is to do it. The choice is yours is yours to become the hero you truly are.
Everyone has someone they look up to and want to be just like one day and everyone has different opinions and who a true hero is. My personal hero is my parents. Although my parents can get a bit annoying sometimes by always talking about the real world and the types of problems I would face. But I know that having a parents who teaches me more valuable information is a real true parents who cares and is a hero.
My definition for a hero has changed a lot since my 13 years of being here on this planet. When I was around 5 I thought that a hero was only considered a hero if they had a cape and super powers to teleport or freeze things. But as I got older I realized that super heroes are not just in books or on tv shows but someone who could be standing or sitting next to you right now could be a hero to you or someone else because of something they could have done in the past that helped another
A person who overcomes antagonistic and unnecessary issues in a mature and powering manor. That is the definition of a hero to me. Someone who is being hurt and sees others hurt from the actions and takes charge and does everything in his power to change it. Someone who puts others before themselves and acts in the most chivalrous way. The definition of a hero is different for everyone. Some one might think of a hero as someone who can lift a car and put it on their back, or gives a dying person their kidney. Yes all of those people are forms of hero’s. You can’t tell someone that they are not a hero just because they don’t change into a disguise in a telephone both or can throw lightning bolts from a cloud. Everyone is a hero in their own way.
In my opinion, a hero is someone whose principal purpose, whether it be in one situation or over the span of their entire life, is to help others while simultaneously making the world a better place. When the word hero is brought up, the most prevailing image that comes to mind is superheroes like Batman and Superman. But I don’t think you have to have superpowers or even be well known in order to be a hero. There are people all over the world whose intention is to do selfless deeds and go out of their way for others without expectation of obtaining anything in return. These are the type of people I like to consider everyday heroes. They go through life just trying to be the best they can and trying to help as many people as they can. Whether
Who is your hero? If that question was asked to a group of people, some might think of loved ones or family, and some may talk about doctors, firemen, or even a teacher. However, most would probably say their hero was some celebrity or star athlete. While some celebrities and athletes can justifiably be labeled "heroes", there are some people who may appear to be heroic, but lead a completely different life off the field.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” (www.brainyquote.com) Dr. King, a true inspiration, a true man, and a true hero. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an inspiration to me because he gave people freedom and equality. Without him, blacks and whites would of probably never been treated as equals. What would life be like without Dr. King in America’s history?
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” (Christopher Reeves). In other words a hero can be anyone that is determined and helps other people. A hero is someone who can face challenges with determination, who can persevere or exceed beyond expectation, but is not always buff, or strong.
Heroes, crime fighting people that save the world from bad guys and super villains. Some heroes might be like that, but not my hero. This man was a normal person that rose to a opportunity that he saw and took it. He help many people with their hardships of being treated differently. My hero is Martin Luther King Jr, he had many great ideas that changed history forever. I think that he did it all out of love not popularity and he did so in a peaceful way, therefore I think he is a great hero.
Some definitions of heroes are people, who have noble qualities, and put the lives of others before their own life. They are expected to be reasonable and calm, during scary times, like when a shooting is going on, looking out for
There are many different ways people use to define heroes. Sometimes when we think of heroes, we think of super powers, strong people or someone brave and courageous. There are also a lot of heroes. When I think of a hero, I think of Harriet Tubman. Being born a slave herself, she knew the terrible lifestyle that they lived. Imagine her constant fear as she overcame her obstacles to help bring freedom to her fellow slaves.
A hero could be anyone. A hero could be an ordinary person who has impacted someone or has inspired a change toward greatness in their life. A hero can be passive or active, famous or ordinary, rich or poor. What gives a hero a distinct similarities to other heroes and distinguish them from non heroes is their ability to influence others that they are extraordinary because of their means to overcome obstacles, defeated adversities, and still manage to be a leader, role model, or an admirable person within society.
In the end a hero has a different definition for everyone. They come in all different shapes,sizes and colors. Heroes put themselves in danger and anticipate nothing in return except for a change in the world. They stand for what is justice. They believe everyone is equal no matter what. They stand for what they believed in even if they are the only ones standing. I believe Cesar Chavez and Dr Martin Luther King Jr were, are, and always will be heroes .
A hero is someone who tries the best to help everyone and will do everything in his or her power to help another person. The term hero means different things to different people. Today, many people believe that a hero is a person who can accomplish what others can not, or a person who puts themselves on the line for the other people. Men, women and children can all be heroes if they truly feel in their hearts the need to help others in even the smallest of ways. In our modern world, heroes are defined in so many ways.
Martin Luther King as a Role Model Everyone has someone that they look up to. It may be a hero or a role
So what exactly is a hero? Parents are true heroes. Most parental units sacrifice time, money, love and everything else for their children. When times are tough good parents do all they can to make things better for their children. Mothers and fathers often work two jobs, late at night, or on weekends to provide for their kids. My mom is always there for me when I am sick, telling me she wishes she were the sick one. She also reassures me that she always has an extra kidney if I happen to need one. I personally view my parents as true heroes for all they do, have done, and will do.
When one thinks of heroes, names such as Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Theresa often come to mind. These people had done a lot of favors, courage, helps, and more of things for the people who needed them. They have change the world. But, heroes can be in anyway, even in each of individuals in the world. I have the persons who I think is the best hero in my mind. They are my parents.
Life history is the reproduction of a number of events captured by interviewing an individual of whom a story will be told or written. The methods by which life histories are collected possessed several advantages and disadvantages for the interviewee and interviewer as well as the audience for whom the narrated story is intended to enlighten. Life history is an important method that could be used to recapture someone’s experiences, traditions, values, social, and economic status as well as to demonstrate the evolvement of the individual by telling his or her story. Although most societies had some forms of writing, but storytelling was the art that connected the people. Storytelling has been the central method by which events were transmitted