Manipulation leading to powerful characters

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In present society, humans constantly use others for their own intentions. In the novel, Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card characters use people's naivety to their own advantage. The adults in this novel use the children's innocence for their own nefarious purposes and consequently, manipulating the children leads to having powerful individuals as the story progresses.
Throughout the novel, the adults use the children's innocence in order to manipulate them. To begin, the adults cover their true identities, as controlling personnel, by portraying themselves as good people to the children. While Colonel Graff and Anderson are conversing they say, "' I like the kid. I think we're going to screw him up.' 'Of course we are. It's our job. We're the wicked witch. We promise gingerbread, but we eat the little bastards alive'". (Card 10) The adults explicitly state that they use the children's innocence to control them, they display one thing but have an outcome of another. By choosing methods of manipulation that appeal to children, the adults influence the children’s actions as they do things they naturally wouldn’t perform. Furthermore, the adults control every component of the soldier's lives. While reflecting Ender says, "I've spent my life as someone's pawn"(312). The adults choose Ender’s ultimate fate and every other small factor. They have an upper hand in their relationship, hence Ender refers to them as the chess player determining each of his moves. Furthermore, the adults use Ender’s obliviousness to manipulate him to reach their life goal. After the battle with the Buggers, Mazer explains, “You had to be a weapon, Ender. Like a gun, like the little doctor, functioning perfectly but not knowing what you were aimed at. We a...

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...adults to achieve his motive. From the experience in being manipulated, he uses it to show his army who is in command and to bring out their full potential, displaying his leadership qualities. Thus, one can say from the experiences that are gained with all the manipulation that occurs to and around the children, it builds potent characters.
In conclusion, the adults display supremacy various times in the novel, which leads to powerful, strong, and wilful adolescents. The adults maintain control to ensure they acquire what they desire and use the children to obtain it. As the novel progresses, one realizes that from the experiences that are gained, the children become more strong and powerful characters. Altogether, People are constantly manipulating others to reach goals and desires, but one needs to realize that their intentions may not be the other persons.

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