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Abstract on benefits of diversity in workplace
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Abstract on benefits of diversity in workplace
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Managing Workplace Diversity
As we enter the new phase of modern labor, diversity in the workforce is rapidly increasing. Employees now reflect a diversity of cultural perspectives, ethnic backgrounds, ages, genders, physical abilities, and levels of education. This wave of multiculturalism is here to stay and cannot be ignored by the present workers or students that are preparing to take charge of the future workforce. It is in need of attention in order to uphold the well-being and success of businesses and organizations all over the world.
What is diversity? Why does it matter? Can it be managed? This are only simple questions that I ask to my self of the millions of questions that workers have all over the world. What kind of environment would I and other managers have to create to educate employees about cultural diversity?
In order to understand the necessities and benefits of managing workplace diversification, the concept must be explored. This fundamental belief has led to changes in management practices primarily relating to the recruitment, training and retention of employees specially the changing face of the workforce, creating equal privileges and opportunities for every human being.
What is diversity?
There are several definitions of diversity that exists in literature. Some definitions range from narrow to vary broad. Those that are narrow tend to reflect the laws of affirmative action and equal employment opportunities such as race, gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, religion, and disability. Broad definitions tend to include sexual preference and orientation, values, education, language, economic status, marital status, lifestyle, and beliefs.
Another part of the definition is known as the layers of diversity that are personality & organizational dimension. Personality is the innate elements that make you unique as an individual and organizational dimension is the work content/ field, division department / unit / group; seniority; work location; union affiliation; management status; functional level / classification. One example defines diversity as a matter of individual responsibility and morality. Another definition describes diversity as creating high performing organizations through valuing and using all the talents of employees of different groups.
Workplace diversity builds on the trad...
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...h individual to be realized, ultimately strengthening all of society.
Managing Diversity in the workplace is more than just an acquired skill; it is "a way of thinking”. It is reflective of an attitude that organizations and their staffs must adopt that allows them to change their basic concepts about workers and converts “them” into “us”.
1. Dobbs, Matti and Brown, Oliver, (Summer 1997): 53-56. "A Vital Link: The Supervisor's Role in Managing Diversity," The Public Manager
2. Nieto, Sonia & Loagman, (1992). Affirming Diversity, New York.
3. Hellriegel, Don, Slocum, John W. (2003) Organizational Behavior 10th edition.
4. Johnson, Walter (1999), Typical Workplace Diversity Strategy,
5. Dobbs, Matti F. (Summer 1998) “Managing Diversity: The Department of Energy Initiative," PublicPersonnel Management 27 vols. No. 2 : 161-173.
1. Norton, Karl, (October 2003), Journal of Financial Times.
2. Jackson, Randy, ( May 2003), Diversity Management Magazine.
Web Sources
1. www.jalmc.org/mg-diver.htm
2. Wentling, Rosemary, "Diversity Training in the Workplace," http://nerve.berkeley.edu/CW73/WIPIL.html
Cañas, K. A. & Sondak, H. (2011). Opportunities and challenged for workplace diversity: Theory, cases, and exercises. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Generally when someone begins speaking about diversity in the workplace, thoughts of Affirmative Action, racial diversity, or even sexual equality are usually foremost in our thoughts. However, diversity in the workplace really is so much more than this, we must also consider aging workers, handicapped workers, those with alternative lifestyles, and even physical traits to name others (For the sake of simplification, throughout this paper these will usually be included in the term, minorities). Gender, racial, and ethnic diversity means different things to different people. Some believe that diversity is about quotas, and affirmative action.
Riccucci, N. M. (2002). Managing diversity in public sector workforces. (p. 28). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
This document will explore what a company can do to foster diversity in the workplace. The business case highlights the development and implementation of organizational initiatives that could:
Diversity management initiatives are long term and strategic in focus. They strive not only to recruit, but to actively develop, promote and capitalize on the different skills and perspectives of minority employees (Marquis, 2007.) Every day, peopl...
The emergence of diversity in organizations can be traced to the 1960s when legislation was enacted to prohibit discrimination against ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, and religion. Even though workplace diversity origins began in the aftermath of World War I, it was not until 1961, when President John F Kennedy established the President’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), which was to end discrimination in employment by the government and its contractors (Cañas & Sondak, 2011). Workplace diversity continued to be advanced through the years by Presidents Johnson and Nixon administrations.
In summary, most workplaces are becoming increasingly diverse as people from different genders, races, cultures, ethnic origins, and lifestyles find themselves working together. The key to making diversity work is management. Knowing what they are and understanding what effects (positive or negative) they have on the organization is very important to the success of the company.
Today’s management in the workforce is composed of all types of people verses thirty years ago when white males held a majority of upper-management positions in companies. These positions are now held by a mixture of ethnic back grounds and women who hold just as many if not more management positions then men. Just by looking at the changes in management demographics shows how important it is for people to understand cultural competency in the workplace. Dr. Roosevelt Thomas Jr. (1999) stated, “Diversity is the collective mixture of whomever we have in our workforce characterized by their differences and similarities” (p.11). Managers and supervisors must understand the characteristics of a diversity mature individual; they also need to be able to articulate the differences between affirmative action, managing diversity, understanding and valuing diversity to build skills that transforms awareness into productive and supportive workplace behaviors.
Barak, M. E. (2005). Managing diversity: toward a globally inclusive workplace. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
For the purpose of this paper, I will define what the term Diversity means, and then I will concentrate on the diversity as a result of geographic origin or ethnic diversity. I will look at how ethnic diversity is managed generally and then how my employer, deals with the diverse ethnic groups in its organization and what it needs to improve on.
Diversity in the workplace is important for employees because it manifests itself in building a great reputation for the company, leading to increased profitability and opportunities for workers. Making sure all members, students, parents and guarding’s are welcomed at all times in a well-mannered environment Workplace diversity is important within the organization as well as outside ensuring all different are put aside and everyone can come together and work well as a great team.
Diversity within the context of public administration refers to the differences and similarities that exist among an agency’s employees, potential employees, customers and other stakeholders. The differences and similarities include groups that are legally defined by equal opportunity laws and regulations which includes (but is not limited to) ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender and age. Public leaders are tasked with ensuring that agencies follow best practice standards to ensure equal opportunities for employees of each of these groups. In order to do so, public leaders must value the complexity of diversity in order to understand that few employees will be defined as belonging to a particular group (N...
In the workplace, it is common to encounter individuals of different cultures, ethnicities, and genders. This diversity can either lead to an introduction of new work methods, or it can lead to conflict between coworkers. In order to avoid conflict, and have all employees work as a cohesive team, managers must educate themselves, and their employees on the topic of cultural diversity. In order for your practices to be considered effective, you must not only respect and recognize an employee’s diversity, you must use their difference to benefit them.
The researcher believes, in this fast-changing era, any kind of company or organization should be able to improve the quality of workplace diversity by having some important main factor to boost the new paradigm of a diverse workplace, such as:
Another reason why diversity is important is because recent studies from the U.S. Department of Labor shows data that America’s population will be drastically different in the future because of the rapid growth of different minority groups such as African Americans, Hispanics, Asian and Pacific Islanders in the country. According to Plunkett, Allen, and Attner, the data also stated that the population of Caucasians will gradually be declining too. Aside from the ...