Malvolio Act 2 Scene 2

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Act 2, scene 5
2. Ask one of the characters in a scene a question and answer it as if you were that character.
Question: I would like to ask Maria how she thought of the prank to trick Malvolio.
Answer: My handwriting is awfully similar to my lady’s hand, we can hardly tell them apart sometimes. With that advantage, I decided to fool Malvolio. He is so full of himself and is naturally convinced the whole world is in love with him, which makes him the perfect target. He is willing to believe anything that involves praising him due to his ego. Thus, it wouldn’t be hard to convince Malvolio someone is in love him, even if it is my lady Olivia. I hate the way he treats others, as if like he is better than everyone else. I wanted him to make a fool of himself in front of …show more content…

Malvolio reads this out loud from the letter by “Olivia”. This quote portraits three types of achievements. “Some are born great”; this is referring to the people born of aristocratic families. In Shakespeare’s time, these would be the people born into royalty, people who are born to be leaders. Next, “some achieve greatness”; these are the people with earned accomplishments. This is referring to the people with grit and talents who work hard for their achievements. Furthermore, this would also include Shakespeare himself; he may not have been “born great”, but he definitely achieved greatness through all his hard work. Finally, “some have greatness thrust upon ‘em”; these are the people who happened to be in the right place at the right time. These people may not want or even deserve their achievements. In the play, this quote refers to Malvolio’s social class and his wish to be in a higher class. He is trying to achieve greatness through a marriage with Olivia. I like this quote as Shakespeare summarized the three types of success in one

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