Twelfth Night Love Essay

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In Twelfth Night, Shakespeare uses his gift of the pen to weave an intricate web of relationships between the characters, mostly through love. The majority of the plot is based on this frivolous game of ever-changing desires. However, in the play, Shakespeare does not suggest that love will always be successful. On the contrary, much of the action and plot of the play is based on the unsuccessful relationships.

A good example of unsuccessful love in Twelfth Night is the love between Antonio and Sebastian, or rather, Antonio’s love for Sebastian. Although Sebastian is grateful for Antonio’s help and hospitality when his ship was shipwrecked, he is ready to move on to the next stage of his life. Antonio, on the other hand, loves Sebastian as …show more content…

It was not socially appropriate in that era for two people of the same sex to marry. So, no matter how much Antonio loves Sebastian, he knows deep down in his heart that their marriage will never be successful. Every minute he is spending with Sebastian is torture, tempting himself with glimpses of what can never be. Love, instead of being a sweet bliss, was a bitter sting for Antonio. It was a constant reminder of what he cannot have …show more content…

In act 2 scene 3, he severely scolds Sir Toby for making a racket, saying, ‘My masters, are you mad? Or what are you? Have you no wit, manners, nor honesty but to gabble like tinkers at this time of night? Do you make an alehouse of my lady’s house, that you squeak out your coziers' catches without any mitigation or remorse of voice? Is there no respect of place, persons, nor time in you?’ (II.iii.77-82). Sir Toby and Maria retaliate to his scolding by planting a ‘love letter’ from Olivia, addressed to Malvolio. As can be expected, Malvolio was overjoyed, and did exactly what the letter asked him to do - wear a pair of yellow cross gartered stockings. However, when Olivia sees Malvolio, she believes that he has become insane and imprisons him for being a lunatic. Malvolio’s ambitious love, rather than winning the lady’s hand in marriage, has caused him much suffering and humiliation. This presents a very clear message: not only is love sometimes unsuccessful, it can also create much pain and

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