Malcolm X's 'Who Taught You To Hate Yourself'

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Malcolm X debunked the fabricated reasons for African Americans to go against each other with his “Who Taught You to Hate Yourself” speech. White racist use several stereotypes degrade others to the extent that blacks may believe that they are flawed in every aspect so much that are demihumans. Blacks are generally stereotyped as violent, angry, and ignorant, which are portrayed “black face” comedy and early shows with African American cast such as Good Times. They portray blacks as characters that have an abnormal number of idiosyncrasies to the point that they can all be seen as one flawed entity. Employing the term “black on black crime” as a description of blacks interactions with each other degrades African Americans from quirky humans …show more content…

When a someone steals from another they are depriving that person's family of funds needed for food, shelter, and clothing, therefore they are genuinely taking candy from a baby, the roof over it’s head, and the clothes off its back. Someone as corrupt or as desperate to commit this atrocity would have no regard for the circumstances of his victim, with the exception of the victim’s characteristics that determine the crime’s difficulty such muscle build and impairments. Although some criminals may pride themselves in the fact that they do not target certain people because of the potential victim's frailty, their morals are based on delusions. All people can sympathize or at least empathize with others as we all have burdens and problems that seeming rule our lives, meaning the moral provoked empathy they have is simply a cop out to being free of guilt when victimizing those with problems not immediately perceived. The concept of “black on black crime” being a prime aspect of black Communities is nothing more that a false pretense along stereotypes to coax blacks into being disgusted and afraid of each other “ so much so that [they] don’t want to be around each other.” This aspect of white racist plot would be effective as blacks would not be able to endure the great opposition as …show more content…

Without Malcolm X bringing awareness to this plot, blacks may believe that being black is flawed and take their place at the bottom of white society. This would prevent the rebellious spirit from transferring between generations, and effectively cause African Americans to have a sense of complacency in a society where they are insignificant because of the skin provided by their genes. The grandfather in Invisible Man embodies the rebellious spirit and passes the will to fight on to the next generation to promote the evolution of African Americans as a people with his last words. He admitted to betraying himself and his people by putting down his gun when slavery had ended. The gun does not have to be a physical weapon; it was simply the way he described the power a single man can bring against the people that attempt keep him down. In his time, blacks faced even more in justice and harsher treatment than when his son was tending him on his deathbed, however slight improvement is not a justification cease fighting. Just as students that do the minimum to pass cannot accel, finding solace in simply having conditions that aren't as bad a previous or other’s situation yields ruin. By nature the world is constantly changing, so those that refuse to adapt to acceptable life or alter the world so their lives are satisfactory will suffer

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