Making an Electric Current in a Wire

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Making an Electric Current in a Wire

You can make an electric current in a wire if a wire is at right

angles to a magnetic field and the magnetic field is changing. We say

that the electric current has been induced.

You can change the magnetism by moving the wire past the magnet, or

moving the magnet past the wire. It will show up better on a meter if

you use a coil of wire.

A current is generated only when the magnet is moving.

The current stops if the magnet stops moving - even if it is inside

the coil.

The current goes the other way if the magnet moves in the opposite


To make the current greater:

* use more coils

* move the magnet faster

* use a stronger magnet

The magnetic field goes around each loop of wire in the coil, so if

you increase the number of coils there are more places where the

magnetism changes.

The faster the magnet moves, the faster the magnetism changes.

If you keep the magnet still and move the wire, you induce a current

in exactly the same way.



Generators induce a current by moving a magnet inside a coil of wire,

or by moving a coil of wire inside a magnetic field. One example of a

generator is a bicycle dynamo.

Bicycles sometimes have dynamos which rub against the back tyre. As

the bike moves, a wheel on the top of the dynamo turns a magnet inside

a coil.

Generators from motors

Simple electric motors generate electric currents when you spin them.

Instead of using electric current to turn a coil, turning the coil

produces an electric current.



Making the magnet stronger and weaker will also produce a changing

magnetic field. You can do this by changing the current in an

electromagnet (the primary coil). If another coil of wire (the

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