Making a Splash(y) in Social Media: The Controversy of Naming Mister Splashy Pants

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It’s no secret that internet and social media has become a major part of our society. In the last 14 years the number of internet users has increased by a whopping 566% and 2,495,518,376 people in this world have access to the internet. 70% of them use the internet on a daily basis. On average that 70% will spend 3.2 hours daily on social media, such as Instagram, Tumblr, Google+ and YouTube.
In this Ted Talk Alexis Ohanian who is a co-founder of a “democratic front page of the best stuff on the internet”. Users submit cool things they found on the internet share it on Reddit and other users thumbs up or thumbs down your post everyday new trends and memes are born right on the Reddit front page. One of these includes Mister. Splashy Pants.
It all started when, the Japanese government devised a whaling campaign, in which Humpback whales were getting hunted and killed. Greenpeace an environmental organization took action and decided to put a tracking device on the Whales to protect them from the government. To personify the movement and shed light on to the issue they decid...

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