Whales: The Effects Of Human Influences On Whales

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The United States former President Abraham Lincoln once exclaimed, “ I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.” If Abraham Lincoln were here today, He would stand against the human influences on Whales these days. Humans do not understand the harm that they are doing to animals by buying items such as whale meat or Sea World tickets. An admission ticket to a full day at Sea World supports the abuse and mistreatment of many different types of marine organisms. The world today likes to hide the human influences that they have on these whales. Scientific research these days stands as a disguise for killing these whales in Japan, Norway, and in many other areas around the world. Killing Whales is known to be a tradition or ritual to some however, hunting exposes a deeper issue of whale deaths and inhumane human consumption. Human influence on Whales around the world not only affects the whale’s lives, but the humans as well.
Whales all around the world today are being mistreated by selfish humans in ways that are hidden to the rest of society. Hunting is just one way that whales get mistreated by humans. In fact, more than half of whale deaths are human related. Fishing gear that trashes the oceans kill up to “three hundred twenty-three whales per year” and “vessel strikes kill one hundred seventy-one” more (Gannon 1,2). Every day human pollution such as “boat paint that runs into the ocean”, Chemicals that help grow food that run into the ocean, and global warming harms the health of whales every day. Whales are hunted for many reason, but in Japan they are mostly hunted because they are “considered a delicacy in Japan” (“Why Are Whales Endangered”2). Whales actually take up aro...

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...es other than to lash out and attack human beings like the have before. It seems that the humans are the blessed ones that treat a good majority of God’s creation terribly, whales being just one of the many. It is easy for the humans to hide the terrible ways that these whales are being treated from the rest of society, but if society does not see what is going on and speak up for the whales, then future generations might not even know what a whale is. All in all, the hunting countries need to take notice in what they are doing to these animals and how it can affect the future generations. Also, the present generation needs to think their actions through before supporting businesses such as Sea World and marine lands. If the world is able to make a healthy change to their selfish ways, then in the future the whales and humans can live happily together side-by-side.

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