Makeup Is Bad

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Makeup usage is not a recent development. From the Egyptians smudging black kohl around their eyes to the Elizabethans applying mixtures of Sulphur and boiled egg white to their faces, makeup and facial decoration have always been a part of society. Today, however, more women than any previous historical period wear makeup—and even wear it daily. A poll done by Harris Poll, conducted on the behalf of The Renfrew Center Foundation, actually discovered that 44 percent of American women feel uncomfortable leaving the house without applying makeup first. They are dependent on makeup for a self-esteem boost each and every day. But is this makeup dependency truly bad for the individual, or do they benefit from wearing it? Is there something about …show more content…

One study listed a series of statements in regards to makeup and asked women to denote to what extent they agreed or disagreed with each statement. At the end of her study, Silverio found that 79% of college females agree or strongly agree with the statement “When I wear makeup, I feel more put together” and 93% agree or strongly agree with the statement “When my makeup looks good, I feel good”. The study concludes that makeup does boost the confidence of the wearer. Sarah Scott conducted a similar study to show that college women felt more comfortable and less anxious while wearing makeup. In this study, college students were asked to wear varying amounts of makeup in two common situations: going to class and going out. She had the women fill out a survey in each situation, specifically asking how much anxiety they felt that day. Her results indicate that college women wearing a moderate amount of makeup, as in the amount of make up they would wear to go out, rather than the amount they would wear to a party or to class normally, felt the highest confidence levels regardless of the situation they were in. The women felt less anxiety in class in general while wearing more makeup, as opposed to the amount that they wore every day. This means that applying makeup gives the individual a way to consistently possess more confidence and feel less anxiety. It can be used on occasion to reduce the amount of stress felt in high-anxiety situations such as

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