How Is Dunstan Cass A Believable Character

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To what extent do you agree that Dunstan Cass is a believable character?
Dunstan Cass is portrayed as the villain in ‘Silas Marner’. I disagree completely that Dunstan Cass is a believable character because of two major reasons: His ‘all-bad’ character, the way he treats his brother, and the town of Raveloe
As stated above, one reason I do not agree that Dunstan Cass is a believable character is because of the way he is portrayed as the worst type of character. Before the character even makes an appearance in the novel, the narrator says that ‘people shook their heads at the courses of the second son, Dunstan, commonly called Dunsey Cass, whose taste for swopping and betting might turn out to be a sowing of something worse than wild oats’. …show more content…

There are many instances of Dunstan treating his brother badly but the most notable would be from Chapter 2, where Dunstan says ‘I might get you turned out of the house and home (…) I might tell the Squire how his handsome son was married to that nice young woman, Molly Farren, and was very unhappy because he couldn’t live with his drunken wife’. Dunstan has no respect towards Godfrey and behaves badly towards him. He uses his knowledge of Godfrey’s secret wife in order to obtain money and other items from him. We learn that Godfrey was talked into his secret marriage with Molly Farren by none other than Dunsey, who used the idea as a trap to gain leverage with which to blackmail Godfrey. He forces Godfrey to sell one of his most prized possessions, his horse Wildfire, in order to pay off Dunstan’s debts. When Dunstan is off to sell Wildfire, he has idea of getting the money without selling the horse but the narrator says ‘He didn’t want to give Godfrey that pleasure: he preferred that Master Godfrey should be vexed’. This quote shows that Dunstan wants to cause as much mental grief to Godfrey as possible. No brother would constantly blackmail his own brother for monetary gain. Dunstan wants to see his brother suffer and we don’t know why. This is another reason why I do not agree that Dunstan Cass is a believable character. A brother like Dunstan would not exist in real life. He has absolutely no respect for his older brother. He gives no reasons for his tormenting of Godfrey, except to extract money from him. Dunstan is not a believable character because of

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