Maitri Aids Hospice Case Analysis Essay

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Case Study Analysis: Maitri AIDS Hospice The Maitri AIDS Hospice has increased in donor numbers, but decreased in donation amounts. To increase donation amounts and motivate current donors, Maitri should strengthen relationships with their current donors and implement a capital campaign. Current Individual Donor Strategies Maitri AIDS Hospice has engaged their donors through three key events: dinners at Maitri, the student art sale (later turned permanent art gallery), and Maitri retreats. The dinners at Maitri introduced potential new donors to the Maitri AIDS Hospice (prospect identification and cultivation); the student art sale then art gallery provided a large fundraising opportunity (solicitation); and the Maitri Retreats fostered relationships with current donors, offering recognition (stewardship).1 Donations primarily came from the residents of San Francisco’s Castro neighborhood and gay men. In general, gay men donated heavily …show more content…

Maitri needs to focus on the cultivating relationships with their current donors. Maitri should ask donors if they would be capable of taking on more responsibility.3 Currently, select donors have a hand in bringing in potential donors through the dinners at Maitri. However, the potential donors may only come to those dinners and submit donations out of obligation to their friend/colleague, the Maitri donor sponsoring the dinner. Maitri donors can do more; perhaps assist outside of a fundraising capacity. They can head up a special project or assist in day-to-day operations. These donors may have their own particular skill sets that may prove to be invaluable to Maitri.4 Not only is stewardship of current donors less costly than seeking new prospects, but it also opens up communication for discussing Maitri’s community

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