Maintaining the Value of Your Vehicle

546 Words2 Pages

Most car owners want to retain the value of their car either for future resale or just to ensure that their car stays in great condition for many years to come. While you may believe that you're taking fairly good care of your car, there are several bad habits that drivers tend to do that lessen the value of their car over time.


This seems almost contrary to what you would assume about your car's value. Since you're adding more options to the vehicle, wouldn't that make the vehicle worth more money? If you find the right buyer, customization can add value to your vehicle. However, the problem rests in finding that right buyer. Customization reduces your potential buyer amount since some people may not like the modifications done to the vehicle. This is especially true of large modifications and changes that are visible on the outside of the vehicle.

Dirt and Grime

Most people wash their cars when they feel like it or when the vehicle has gotten exceptionally dirty due to mud or other factors. However, going extended periods of time without properly washing your ca...

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