Maddie Messer, 13: A Change In Society

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Maddie Messer, 13, made a change in society because girl avatars have to be paid for on gaming apps. This makes girls think that they can’t be as strong or as tough as guys. Something needs to be done about this. Maddie Messer has been noticing that many apps on the app store were making people pay for female avatars. Maddie thought to this was biased, and sending the wrong message to younger children. She wanted to fix this problem, and fast. Maddie did research to prove her point. She played some games and she found out that 90 percent of the games had free male avatars. Only 15 percent of the games had free female avatars. Maddie says, “I was shocked. It was an even bigger issue than I had thought.” Maddie had to speak out about this

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