Macbeth's Power Of Ambition

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The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a play that shows the life of Macbeth and everything that he did for ambition. Macbeth’s decisions to become king gives him power which he abuses in various ways through his actions causing him to ruin relationships and his mind showing that a person shouldn't let others influence him or her. When he decided to listen to the witches he ruined himself because all they wanted was to trick him. The story is based on prophecies that were given to him at the beginning of the play. In the play, Macbeth already being a successful soldier in the army of King Duncan, is informed by three witches that he is to become king. The witches predict that future kings will be descended not from Macbeth, but from his army captain …show more content…

He also embraces Banquo and thanks him for his courage during the rebellion. He announces that he has decided to visit Macbeth's castle at Iverness, and that he has chosen his son, Malcolm, to be the Prince of Cumberland and the next king of Scotland. Macbeth proposes that he is to leave early for his castle to make sure everything is perfect for the King's arrival, and Duncan happily approves. But Macbeth is really only concerned with the King's choice of successor. With ambitious thoughts going through his mind, Macbeth again finds himself lusting after the crown: "Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires" (1.4.50- 52 ). Then Macbeth arrives at the castle and Lady Macbeth is ready to tempt him to join her in the murder. She then hints at her intentions: "Your hand, your tongue: look like th’ innocent flower,But be the serpent under’t. He that's coming, must be provided for..." (1.5.63-65). Macbeth dodges the matter at hand and tells her that they will speak further on the subject. Lady Macbeth confidently assures him, "Leave all the rest to me"

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