unit 2

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Predictions and oracles seem to be the backbone of tragedies like Macbeth and Oedipus. The predictions of the witches and the oracle from the gods are what drive the tragedy and the action of the audience along with it. Although they both have these effects, it doesn’t mean that the audience thinks without a doubt that the witches are in control of Macbeth; the same goes for Oedipus and the oracle. Just like oracles, predictions were just warnings for people to abide by societal norms. Macbeth is portrayed as a good man in the opening of the play. The wounded Captain described him by saying, “Brave Macbeth, well he deserves that name” (1.2.17). Macbeth is depicted by the Captain this way because he witnessed Macbeth brutally take the life of Macdonwald. Although he is brave and brutal, he is also honored because of his loyalty to King Duncan. Macbeth expresses his loyalty to Duncan when he says, “The service and loyalty I owe in doing it pays itself” (1.4.25). However, Macbeth’s appearance will change suddenly after him and Banquo meet the witches. The witches prophesized their fates to them and it all seemed great for Macbeth, who they said will be king hereafter (1.3.53). What the witches also state in their prophecies is that Banquo is lesser than Macbeth, but he will have sons as kings even though he won’t be one himself (1.3.70). One of the predictions actually comes true; the witches told Macbeth he would become Thane of Cawdor (1.3.52). Once this prediction comes true, Macbeth is already in a struggle with his ambition. However, I think the witches are supernatural and shouldn’t have any effect on Macbeth and his choices. Rather, I see Macbeth’s choice of actions to only be influenced by characters he encounters like the wi... ... middle of paper ... ...onorable, and so loyal as Macbeth, it really is a tragedy to witness someone like him to go from being great to becoming a tragic hero. He let the witches and their predictions get the best of him, even though I think they were just a figment of his imagination. After the witches vanished after the first appearance, Banquo said, “Have we eaten on the insane root that takes the reason prisoner?” (1.3.86). Even if they were real, it doesn’t matter because Macbeth was acting on his own free will, unlike Oedipus who was playing into the oracle of the gods unknowingly. It is hard to say whether or not Macbeth would’ve killed Duncan and the others if it weren’t for the witches and his wife, who both influenced him at first. In the end, Macbeth rose to power by killing his king and ignoring the societal norms, and then fell flat on his face just like any other tragic hero.

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