Computer System Controversy: Mac Vs. IBM

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Mac vs IBM

Technology has led the world into the 21st century.

Competition between two main computer systems, creates controversy over which system is superior. IBM compatables have captured the largest market share, but Apple Macintoshes hold a special place in capabilities. Computer buyers need to keep in mind different capabilities and their own unique requirements when deciding which way to go. Although both provide state of the art computer systems, IBM compatibles and
Apple Macintoshes attract their own distinct clients because of their unique operating systems and stand alone buying powers.

Adequate performance and mediocre ease of use, bundled in an extremely low cost package, have allowed IBM compatible computers to …show more content…

The only Mac property clearly recognized by IBM users as better, is their high resolution graphics; all qualified computer artists use
Macs to produce more lifelike images. Additionally, in contrast to the IBMs that produce speed exclusively by megahertz, Macintosh has integrated megahertz with another kind of speed to result in the world's fastest commercial computer.

Though IBMs copied Macintosh^s point and click system with the introduction of Windows 95, Mac OS remains superior. With a
Mac one does not need t! o worry about fighting through information, because there is none. Also, all programs run off the Mac operating system, and point and click universally applies. Whereas there are infinite viruses for IBMs, there are only four that affect
Mac OS and they are controlled by any anti-virus software. Lastly, the limited purchasing ability of the Macintosh, has resulted in a loss of market share and is its major drawback. The price of Macs is almost twice that of low cost IBMs. Also, there are far fewer programs available for Macs than IBMs. On the other hand Macs are capable of translating IBM programs to their own format, but programs to do so

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