Hydraulic Fracturing Research Paper

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Can We Prevent Water Contamination Caused By Hydraulic Fracturing?
“In 1821 decades before the first oil well was drilled, commercial shale gas was extracted in Fredonia, New York”(Sovacool 250). The availability of natural gas and its relatively clean properties has allowed the expansion of natural gas extraction. By the year 2005, the extraction of shale gas had expanded with the discovery of hydraulic fracturing. In the United States alone it has led to an enormous growth in the oil industry and this technology has been adopted by many other countries around the world including Iran, Canada, and Europe. As a result, the country is less dependent on foreign countries to meet the growing demand for natural gas, and it has improved the country’s economy while producing less carbon emissions into the atmosphere. But what is hydraulic fracturing?
Hydraulic fracturing or fracking is part of a process known as unconventional natural gas development, which refers to all operations associated with fracked wells, from well construction to the transport …show more content…

If we are to make fracking safe we have to start early, by making sure that fracking sites have good safety measures in place. For example, state permitting process must make sure that these wells are not constructed poorly. In Michigan fracturing operations must construct a well pads at least 1320 feet away from the nearest stream for state leases (Burton et al 1686). I believe this will lessen the chances of contamination to nearby streams because it will make it possible to try and fix leakages before they can reach water bodies. When we do the construction properly it will be much easier to contain and mange water

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