Lyle Mendez

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What is murder? What would it feel like to kill someone? Americans today would consider murdering your parents unethical. In the world today murder is generally held to be brutally atrocious. Many think you would not be able to commit such an unscrupulous crime. People also do not consider the other factors that are put into play to push people to commit these horrible crimes. But, what would it actually take to push someone to this point? This may be a question that you might be able to ask the Mendez brother’s. Joseph Lyle Mendez or Lyle, was born on January 10, 1968 (Lyle, 2016). Erik Mendez was born on November 27, 1970 (Erik, 2016). They grew up under a wealthy roof. Most people described Lyle as aloof and witty (Lyle, 2016). Erik on …show more content…

Diane came to stay with the Mendez brothers family for the summer holiday (Menendez, 2016). It was said that one night the brothers began to take off her clothes (Menendez, 2016). “They got me down to my bra,” said Diane, “but it stopped there” after she demanded an end to it (Menendez, 2016). Another night, she said she and Lyle Mendez were watching TV (Menendez, 2016). All of the sudden, “without any words spoken, Lyle claimed on top of me and began fondling my breast (Menendez, 2016). I froze,” she said, and “it stopped” (Menendez, …show more content…

They killed them in fear (Video, 2016). The brothers said that they believed they were going to die, due to the fact Lyle confronted his dad about the things he was doing to them (Video, 2016). Lyle told Jose that he would tell the police and everyone would know about it. Erik and Lyle told the court they were convinced their father would kill them to keep them quite (Video, 2016). Lyle then reported two days later their mother Kitty, said that he has ruined the family (Video, 2016). Lyle thought they were going head with their plan to kill them (Video, 2016). The boys then loaded their guns and went in the room and began firing (Video, 2016). When the shooting ended Erik said that he had heard a sound from his mom so they scrambled around to try and find a shell (Video, 2016). He then handed the shell the Lyle and he shot Kitty again this time in close range in the right cheek (Video, 2016). They then planned what they were going to say. Lyle then called the police and repeated historically “someone killed my parents” (Video, 2016). Four days after the killing of Jose and Kitty Menendez, Lyle Menendez bought a Rolex watch (Video, 2016). Years later they judge finally ruled they could play the tape of Dr. Oziel. The tape revealed they brothers admitting to killing their parents (Video, 2016). Dr. Oziel later stated neither of the brothers confessed to killing

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