Luv Is Rage 2 Analysis

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One year after Lil Uzi’s heart-shattering breakup with his girlfriend of 3 years, Brittany, Uzi’s obsession with her is still ever so prominent in his intimate and heartfelt album, Luv is Rage 2. Critics have constantly criticized Uzi’s particular mix of rap and classical rock-type styles that create a conflicting concoction between his materialistic infatuation with money, girls, and drugs and his deeper feelings about the world in the perspective of an artist in the face of fame and stardom. And his latest album is no different; his deliberate jumps from brain-rattling beats like “444+222” to melodic laments like “The Way Life Goes” stand in stark contrast to what the standards of society have set as rigid standards for specific genres. Focusing on the external pressures that an ideologically biased society created that lead to the instability between Brittany and Uzi that “pushed [them] to the edge” (XO tour lif3), the album details instances where the couple came under fire for acting unorthodoxically according to popular standards, actions that would have otherwise been seen as acceptable for artists like Marilyn Manson. Like the rigid standards in society, gaps between genres of hip-hop and clearly european music are left neglected to only be bridged by daring artists, actions that are usually left unfinished under burdens of criticism and an affirmation of nationalistic ideology against assimilation.

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