Luna Moth Research Paper

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Luna Moth
A luna moth is only found in North America. It is about the size of an iPhone. Its bright green wings can stretch about four and a half inches making it easy to recognize. It also has spots on its wings that resemble two eyes. This helps to protect it against predators since the two “eyes” makes it appear to be something much larger and the predator decides to leave it alone.
The female moth will lay its eggs underneath leaves of trees such as the sweet gum, hickory, and walnut. The female may lay up to 600 eggs. The eggs have to incubate for up to two weeks. While it is a caterpillar, it is constantly eating tree leaves. The caterpillar eats for about a month before it finally builds a cocoon. The moth emerges from the cocoon …show more content…

Bees and serial killers have similar behaviors. They collect pollen or commit their crimes close to home but still far enough away that predators do not find the hives or the neighbors do not suspect anything. Scientists developed some algorithms(computer programs for solving a problem) that were based on bees’ behavior. Police use these computer programs to help catch serial killers.

Mosquitoes or “Little Flies”
Who would guess that the world’s deadliest animal family is the mosquito? They have been biting people and animals for about 210 million years. They can transmit the West Nile virus, yellow fever, Zika virus, canine heartworms, and malaria. One million people die every year from just malaria.
People do not need to worry about the male mosquitoes because they do not bite. The females are the biters. They need the protein in blood so their eggs will develop properly.
If someone simply cannot stand mosquitoes maybe he need to live in West Virginia. There are only 26 species living there. The most species of mosquitoes live in Texas.
A disappointing fact is that bug zappers kill very few mosquitoes. If someone is planning on being outside, the best way to protect himself is to use a bug spray that contains DEET and wear light colored clothing. DEET helps repel mosquitoes because they think it

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