Love is defined as, “an intense feeling of deep affection or a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone”(Merriam-Webster). This definition excludes those such as asexuals, aromantics, the love of strangers as well as the love animals show. A more accurate definition of love is wanting the best for someone knowing it may cost you something and expecting nothing in return. This revised definition is based off of inclusivity, while Websters definition is one of exclusivity. Affection is a gentle feeling of fondness or liking. Love is not a gentle feeling, it is fiery, aggressive and consuming. Love is all or nothing, you either love someone or you don’t. Love for others is not always sexual or romantic. One loves their family without wanting …show more content…
The love a parent shows a child is the best example of sacrificial loving, they give their time, energy, finances, as well as wants and wishes. A parent will tell you that they are willing to go to extreme lengths to keep their children safe and happy. They wake up at any hour of the day or night if their child is in distress, they drive to and from school, they drive to and from extracurricular activities. Parents buy toys, meals, clothing, braces, pay for haircuts, pay for doctors visits, and even college education. A parent loves their child knowing they will act out, make bad decisions and get themselves into trouble and cause them inconvenience. A parent knows they will not get money in return for what they spend. Many times their efforts will be rewarded with disobedient children, arguments and nights spent trying to fix messes the …show more content…
Everyone deserves love, everyone should be treated as though you want the absolute best for them knowing it may cost you something and expecting nothing in return. Love is universal in the same way that respect is. When we see others in need after natural disasters we go and we help them get supplies they need to carry out a basic living, we try and help clean up that has been broken and rebuild what has been destroyed. Showing love is not always sexual or romantic. Simple acts of kindness show love to other persons, it doesn’t matter their race, age, gender, political views or economic status. If we used, love with the definition of wanting the best for someone knowing it may cost you something and expecting nothing in return we would see many issues in society dissipate, racism would not be a problem, giving time and money to help victims of natural disasters would not be an issue. The problem of gay love would be cast out of the media. We would feel the urge to show love to anyone and everyone around us despite our differences if the definition was more
Love can be extremely confusing. There are just so many types of loves. Many people will state that in one point in their life they can truly pin point a time when they new that they were in love. People will also say that in that relationship they had true love and that there was affection in it too. Affection exists apart from the other loves. To be completely honest sometime it never exists at all. As Lewis would say, "As gin is not only a drink in itself but also a base for many mixed drinks, so Affection, besides being a love itself, can enter into the other loves and colour them all through and become the very medium in which from day to day they operate," (pg.34 paragraph 2). There is no one universal definition or even definite characteristics of love, it varies with people, culture, type, and circumstance.
Despite these works being written over centuries apart, the authors correlation of the concepts of love were notable. Plato’s Symposium was composed of different views regarding their definitions of love, while Carver’s “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” focuses on what a group of friends talk about on the topic of love. Both pieces contain groups of people discussing their ideologies and relatable experiences, which in the end emphasize the complexity and variety of this emotion. Even though these literary pieces were written over two thousand years apart, similarities could be found within them regarding the concepts of dying for love as well as acknowledging the different forms of love that exist.
Much of my life, love has been defined by an unexplainable and uncontrollable feeling that burns inside your soul. One that when you look at a person you will just know and the rest will be history. This definition of love I grew up love was also demanding, controlling, dependent, and selfish. But still it was something to be desired and something everyone couldn’t wait to feel. To love
Love is a very inaccurate word, as it can be used in many different ways. It can be used to describe an object which one particularly likes, or to describe ones feelings towards a person. However it does not rest at just these two points. Love for someone can be in a material sense (sexual), or in a more moral sense for example.
What is love? What does love genuinely mean to all of us? What can love genuinely change all of us? Was love a feeling of the moment, a strike by the Cupid, the angel of the desire or the future of yourself? According to the reading the short story, “The Happy Prince,” by Oscar Wilde and “Yellow Face,” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the poem “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” written by Anne Bradstreet. They all show from a different view that what is the meaning of love and what has it genuinely stand. So what was love? Love was a sacrifice, trust, accompany, and understanding between the two. Love is also immortal because all these base things of the passion in life, which had to build up the future viability and everything come after
Love has many different meanings to different people. For a child, love is what he or she feels for his mommy and daddy. To teenage boy, love is what he should feel for his girlfriend of the moment, only because she says she loves him. But as we get older and "wiser," love becomes more and more confusing. Along with poets and philosophers, people have been trying to answer that age-old question for centuries: What is love?
Love is affection, devotion, passion, desire, warmth, respect or loyalty. You choose. It doesn't really matter which one because they are all forms of love. Some are powerful and demand attention while others are more subtle and just below the surface. In recent years, love has drifted from these subtle levels to the more noticeable ones, namely passion. In my opinion, our society downplays the real necessity for genuine affection. By this I mean that we, as a society, spend so much time focusing on only one level of love (passion) that we tend to neglect and not recognize the need for closeness and trust (friendship). Love is an all-encompassing emotion that can be powerful and demanding, but also rewarding and pleasurable.
Love is not usually well defined. People often think that they are in love, but they can�t explain it. There is a great dealing of confusion of the words love, and infatuation. Love may include romance, infatuation, affection and tenderness. But it could be love if one or more of the elements are not present. The definition of love varies from person to person. Love is essential element for all relationships. Much of what is written about love is either brief or mocking. Society in general is very cruel and heartless toward real love of any kind. Modern writing mocks marriages, husbands and wives, but condones adultery, and other obscene values. Real love is a mystery to most people. Most people never realize the true potential or value of love, nor do they learn to practice the art of love.
The Definition of Love Love by definition is an emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic love, the fraternal love of others, or the love of God based on the definition found in The Encarta Encyclopedia. As I explored the definitions through the Internet, books, and articles, I noticed the definitions changed quite a bit, but yet had the same basic understanding. The definition I found in The Encarta Encyclopedia is probably the most simple and most basic. It refers to love in the whole aspect, which is Godly, fraternal, and romantic. All of which can only be defined by one word and that is love.
“Relationships form the foundation of all our experience; they shape us from the moment we are born through the moment we die. Relationships happen. They form regardless of our intentions, they are as effortless as breathing. Yet a relationship that strengthens you can be the most elusive thing in the world, hiding always in your own shadow. To truly know someone, to create a relationship that feeds your spirit, you must open yourself up, become vulnerable, be a child in awe and fear. This is the most terrifying thing, more frightening than any disaster, any harm that may be visited upon us. And yet, to let go, to dive into that fear, gives life meaning. It is the most exquisite joy, and the greatest triumph of human life.” This quote by an unknown author displays truth and insight into human relationships.
Extremely hard to define love, in and of itself. Forming our own kind of “Love” as many people do, whereas, there are four different types of love. Agape love, which is a unconditional love for someone. Unconditional, meaning that there are no conditions in the relationship, no rules to follow, or not to follow. Meaning, that if someone were to come and ask you on a date, you can either accept, or deny their offer. Whereas, if you deny the individual, they will still support you, and what you do. Another example is when someone approaches you, and explains that they do not want you to talk to them, you respect that, but you still love them. Eros love is a romantic type of love, where a man and a woman love each other in their relationship. This is the sexual love that the world twists, and changes into something that is erotic. Phileo(Fi-lay-oh) love is the love for your friends. Containing the great relationships you have with them, nevertheless, all the memories you share together. Lastly, there is storge love. Storge (Stor-ge) love is the love for your immediate family, along with your extended family members. All of these are important and people need to understand that love is an important element, for when you say ‘I love you’ to someone, you mean countless things, and that’s the beauty of love. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 it says, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does
Love is actually the choice one makes to put someone's wishes, desires and needs above our own. Many people confuse the word "love" with the meaning of the word "want" or "desire." For example, sometimes when a young man tells the woman of his dreams, "I love you", when he means that he "wants" her because of his own selfish desires. He's the one that may feel all excited over her, but in reality he may want her because of her physical appearance, or because of her mentality or her ability to make him feel good or important. Notice his primary motive for pursuing her is based on himself and his desires; not on pleasing her, although he may choose to please her, but that's only based upon the fulfillment of his wants. The same goes for a young woman, when she says to the man of her dreams, "I love you," she in fact means that she "wants" him because of his physical appearance, status, mentality or his ability to make her feel good or important.
Love comes with a cost and each of them is different. Some parents sacrificed their time and effort to take care of their children even when they were really tired after getting home from work. They wanted to cook dinner for their kids and to have a little conversation with their kids even though they wanted to go to bed. They wanted to talk to their kids about how their day were going, how they missed their kids when they were at work. It is the little things that make love unique. We are willing to sacrifice other things just to be with the one we loved. When the kids feel the love of their parents, it makes them want to go to the right path, they want to make their parents happy by doing well in school, listen to their parents and love each other. Their parents show them where they need to go and what to do in their life. It is a parental love that turns kids into whom they are and who they want to be later on in their life. Love makes people kind, care for another and
Love is one of those things that means different things to different people. If you would look the word love up in the dictionary, you would find this: “an intense feeling of deep affection.” For some people, love can be purely romantic or even just purely sexual. For others, real love can only exist between family members or between people and a god. For some people, it is felt for your partners, family, pets, or even inanimate objects. None of the people are right or wrong, but I do know one thing, love is very powerful. Love is overused in today's world, people say they love someone because of the way they look or their body. That isn't love. To me, love is the most spectacular, indescribable, deep euphoric
According to Merriam -Webster, one may describe love a “ profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.” The contradictory term for love is hatred, an existent that one person hates. With love, society can expect it to be unique, unconditional, and effortless.