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The definition of love
What is love definition essay
The definition of love
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Recommended: The definition of love
Love “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace” (“Jimi Hendrix Quotes”). Love is a wonderful feeling or emotion we express to each other as human beings. We use the word love in most of the things we do in this present world; although, it is said that in Greek, love has different meanings which are used to describe different types of love in some places especially in Agape, Phileo, Pragma, and Storge. Love can be referring to affectionate and compassionate emotions that people tend to have for each other. Love is a state of emotional attachment that can be described as mother love, romantic love, friendship love, and intimate love; whereby, it expresses human decency that can be supported as a concern, …show more content…
Friendship can be the best relationship because friends are the ones to look up to whenever we are stranded on something even though some people might find it difficult to have faith in their friends since they believe that friends could let them down and mock them. However, to me, having an honest and trustworthy relationship with someone we can call our friend means always being there for us when we need them most, knowing our secrets without using it against us, fighting for us when we were being molested in public, and always declaring how much they love and cherish our relationship. Those are the good qualities a true friendship relationship is for. Therefore, friendship love is all about encouraging each other, trusting each other, and doing a lot of crazy things with each other because it keeps the bond of friendship longer and stronger between each …show more content…
It is said that intimate relationships tend to have many forms of intimacy such as intellectual in which people share their thoughts, ideas, and both have fun while traveling. The other is sexual in which the focal concern in people’s conversations involves their physical connection of all forms with their partners. Intimate love or relationship often leads to marriage; whereby, compassion and intense devotion for an important relationship that cannot be replaced with anything for both partners will become one as a family and have kids together. For example, if I am in love with my boyfriend and we both have intimacy in our relationship in a way that we understand, share our feelings and beliefs in depth, and always have some sexual times together, this will keeps us together all through the relationship which will later makes us get married and be together forever. Similarly, intimate love is all about having a psychological connection, having a sexual relationship, spending quality time together, listening to each other’s advice, and doing some loving activity to make the most cherished relationship last
love in the context of being a device that is used to protect and to care for people
It is rather difficult to speak of love in an original sense today. If someone were to ask an individual to define love, a common response would be, “love cannot be explained, it cannot be defined”. This answer would be acceptable if love was equally felt for and between all people. But anyone would have to agree to the fact that there are different degrees and levels of love. Someone would not love his or her family members the same way they would his or her spouse. Love varies between different levels of action and feeling, and a definition of each level must be discovered in order to understand its varying power. Martin Luther King Jr. felt the need to address this particular issue when discussing the principles behind the non-violent student movement for civil rights. King felt that a working idea of love was the keystone to the philosophy of a non-violent protest. Turning to the Greek language and idea of love, King was able to define three particular levels, eros, philia, and agape. His goal was to take one of these three levels and use it as the definitive quality of the non-violent movement.
he Power of Love Love is a powerful emotion that affects everyone at some time in their lives. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, love is defined as a feeling of strong and constant affection for someone(1). Love can refer to the feelings between a couple in a romantic relationship, or it can refer to the affection one would have with a friend. When love is shown, each person cares about the other. Sometimes, love can be hypnotizing, causing one to do something they would not do normally.
An intimate relationship is those which include romantic partners. These relationships expected to last the entire life of the two parties, especially where it leads to marriage. In such connection, utmost trust, faithfulness, and fidelity to the other parties play an essential role.
What is love? The age-old question arises once more. In truth, a universal definition has not been agreed upon, but generally one can define love as “an indication of adoration” or an “an ineffable feeling of intense attraction shared in interpersonal and sexual relationships.” Love can be directed towards kin, a lover, oneself, nature, or humanity- but regardless that love in an emotional sense is eternal. Some fall into love, and some claim they fall out. Love should be endless, lasting, and pure, but half of the time that love ends up being a sham. There is solid record of this false love- love that is meant to look pure- in the famous writings The Lottery and To His Coy Mistress.
As any romantic will assert, love is by far the most powerful force known to human hearts and minds. This sentiment is espoused throughout history, almost to the point of cliché. Everyone has heard the optimistic statement, “love conquers all,” and The Beatles are certain, however idyllic it may be, that “all you need is love.” Humanity is convinced that love is unique within human emotion, unequalled in its power to both lift the spirit up in throws of ecstasy, and cast it down in utter despair.
Love is said to be one of the most desired things in life. People long for it, search for it, and crave it. It can come in the form of partners, friends, or just simply family. To some, love is something of a necessity in life, where some would rather turn a cold shoulder to it. Love can be the mixture of passion, need, lust, loyalty, and blood. Love can be extraordinary and breathtaking. Love being held so high can also be dangerous. Love can drive people to numerous mad things with it dangerously so full of craze and passion.
Love is arguably the most powerful emotion possessed by mankind; it is the impalpable bond that allows individuals to connect and understand one another. Pure love is directly related to divinity. Without love, happiness and prosperity become unreachable goals. An individual that possesses all the desired superficial objects in the world stands alone without the presence of love. For centuries love has been marveled by all that dare encounter it. Countless books and poems have been transcribed to explain the phenomenon of love, but love surpasses all intellectual explanations and discussions. Love is not a definition, but rather a thought, an idea. This idea, the idea of love, burns inside us all. Instinctually, every soul on Earth is
The word “love” has always caught attention with its meanings. There have been many definitions used for this word throughout history, beginning with its start during the ninth century. With the examples of current use(from Urban Dictionary, Twitter, a student survey, a song, and a film) it is obvious that the definition of this word has been lost in translation in many different ways. Looking closely at the synonyms, along with the history and current use, the true definition is clearly seen through a usual worldly haze.
Love by definition is an emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic love, the fraternal love of others, or the love of God based on the definition found in The Encarta Encyclopedia. As I explored the definition by means of the Internet, books, and articles I noticed the definitions changed quite a bit, but yet had the same basic understanding. The definition I found in The Encarta Encyclopedia was probably the most simple and most basic. It refers to love in the whole aspect, which is Godly, fraternal, and romantic. All in which can only be defined by one word and that it love.
“Most of our lives consist of socializing with others, beginning new relationships, and strengthening old ones. Love is all around us, embodied in three main categories. Each of these is experienced in a different way; each of these is approached in a different way (Lemon2x).” However, all of them share one common quality- they are not planned, unpredicted, and developed overtime. In addition, an intimate relationship is harder to develop. “Intimacy generally refers to the feeling of being in a close personal association and belonging together. It is a familiar and very close affective connection with another as a result of a bond that is formed through knowledge and experience of the other. Genuine intimacy in human relationships requires dialogue, transparency, vulnerability, and reciprocity (Wikipedia). A lot of people think intimacy is all about sex. Intimacy is connecting with someone of the same or different sex on levels that ignite sexual interactions. There are many possible reasons why some people are attracted to each other and form relationships. Some of these reasons are personality, physical looks, things in common, and differences. These three things are what a relationship is based upon, besides trust and other things such as attraction.
Love is an interpersonal relationship developed, maintained, and possibly destroyed through communication, but also can be enhanced by communication. Love is often described as a feeling of closeness, caring, intimacy and commitment between two people. There are six different types of love: eros, ludus, storge, pragma, mania, and
After, he/she will be gifted with fancy, expensive, high quality, and long lasting perfumes for holidays. Next, having one partner do all of the cleaning up after the other represents interdependence, a key step in a successful relationship. As a result, her/his friends will not want to take him/her away from the relationship because they never come over to visit. Taking these necessary steps will cause a significant other to be lost in love. After falling in love, there will be a life full of passion and affection.
Love is the basis of every day life, and it gives us the power to feel so affectionately
What is love? Love is a very special and meaningful word to each human being. Each human being has his/her own thoughts about love to guide himself/herself to land safely and smoothly into the kingdom of Love. Without this preconceived idea of love, people would be acting like a blind person searching for the light with thousand of obstacles in front of him.