Love Essay: How To Expressing Your Love

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How to express your love Mao Czedun called the love the strongest of all passions, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the senses. That romantic love is one the most powerful emotions has been proved by modern neuro researchers. Because love, if mutual, is inspiring, encouraging, delightful, exciting. It makes the life meaningful and provides power to forgive and reach the new heights.

Not surprisingly, English poet John Milton called the mutual love the crown of all bliss. However, as all other best things in life, love does not come effortlessly. In order to deserve this bliss, it is crucial to share your tender feelings with someone else. Unfortunately, sometimes, even after years of passionate love, feeling fade. …show more content…

Sometimes being physically present can be considered as a gift and, thus, love signal.

The language of acts of service implies doing something your partner could have done too but prefers not to – like cleaning home, cooking a meal, going shopping etc.
These 5 love languages – words, time touch, gifts and acts of service – are pretty ubiquitous, thus it seems that expression of love by any language should be enjoyable. But it is not always the case.
Imagine a couple of two people who have been together for 5 years. Let’s call them Romeo and Juliet. Juliet’s love language is time and service, which means that for her the moments she spends with Romeo and precious. Almost all her free from work time she spends trying to make their house more attractive and convenient, so that her husband wanted to stay at home with her more often. Romeo’s love languages are service and gifts – he believes that love means to make Juliet’s life easier by providing everything she needs for comfortable life. Not surprisingly, Romeo works long hours to and does not have much time to spend with Juliet, but he does it because he loves her. However, it is unlikely, that Juliet would appreciate Romeo’s offer to go shopping alone instead of going to a romantic dinner, because of tough work schedule. On his side, Romeo will also consider Juliet unappreciative, since he thinks he does everything for her benefit – she lives in a convenient house, wears nice clothes and can travel as much as she wants… It appears these two people love each other and try to show their love in their own ways. But if nothing changes, at some moment they would stop feeling each other’s love, their feelings will fade and the love will die. It would be a

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