Lord of the Flies

1024 Words3 Pages

William Golding was born in Cornwall in 1911, and went to a grammar school in Oxford before he became a writer he worked as a lecturer, scientist, Musician, and as a teacher training. In 1940 he joined to the Royal Navy, and he was present in the Invasion D-day of France. After the war he decided to write again, and he wrote Lord of the Flies in 1954 which was early in the cold war. The time period that the book was written made the book instant success because it became a best seller book among British and American readers. The book is an allegory for the cold war because the characters in the book form a political system which represents the political figures of the cold war between the liberal democracy and the dictatorial communism.

I think that these have impacted the way the book was written because the characters of the book represent different political figures during the cold war. For example, Ralph represents the liberal democracy because he is the leader of the boys in the island. Jack symbolizes the communist system between America and British during the cold war. For example, in the book Jack is against Ralph being the chief because he went to create communist society. The author somehow shows that Jack represents the anti- democratic political system because in the novel he represents as a western point of the cold war. Lord of the Flies also symbolizes a dystopian society because it was written early in the cold war which was also a dystopian time. I believe that the time period that Lord of the flies was written correlates how the novel was written because it characterizes some of the political figures in the Cold War, and William Golding take Ralph and Jack to compare the two different parts of the cold war.

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...on Bergeron because they were under the control of their coach while citizens in Harrison Bergeron were under the control of their government.

The underlying meaning of the quote is that every one of us can make change to this world, but it depends on how we show our talent to others. For example, in the movie the Negro guy was saying that his deepest fear is that whether he can show his talent to others. Also if we start to shine for ourselves others may do the same, so we are opening path for our society. Both in the movie and Harrison Bergeron people are under the control of some one, but that doesn’t mean they cannot show their power and talent to others. He is taking children as a personification to power because children when they are born they didn’t face any challenge, so if we every one of us try to shine for themselves we can make change to this world.

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