Lord Byron Mood

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Natural disasters can range between hundreds of different situations and it can happen to anyone. In “darkness” Lord Byron uses a dream of the end of the world to describe the belief of humanity ending. This poem talks about the life of the world as the ending world unfolds. The fact of this happening to everyone causes darkness and changes the mood of a whole civilization. The hidden darkness of the world now is all the hate of other creatures and vandalizing of nature. This can cause the world to destroy itself with us, the people, living on it. If this darkness were to happen today than it can be the biggest and last disaster that human will ever have to deal with.
People who do not care about the world are the reason why the world …show more content…

It started with him say that he had dream, even though the author transported the reader into the dream, it was scattered through the poem. Bryon wrote this poem in 1816. This poem can appeal to pathos because in 1816 there was mass hysteria of the time brought by Italian astronomer’s prediction about the sun burning itself out in July and it would destroy the world. This prophecy or prediction could cause so much fear, especially, in this era because there is a lot that they don’t understand about the world. So with this poem being shown to people in this time it appeals to one of the appeals, the need for safety. In this era of the world they figured that the world was going to end at 1816. It probably did cause mass hysteria between human kind because they world would not be around now. It could have made people want to become cannibals to survive in the world. In the poem, Lord Bryon says “came tame and tremulous; and vipers crawl’d and twin’d themselves among the multitude, hissing, but stingless- they were slain for food.” (Lord Byron, Line 35-38) That states that the world turned to cannibalism and became the animals to survive, but they did this out of hunger. Their emotions changed and were not civilized any

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