Looking Young Women

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The purpose of looking younger differs among women, but nearly all women seek to facade their youth. Women wish to seem more attractive and healthier than their bodies actually are. There are multiple methods that women can utilize to accomplish the art of looking younger. Most men do not care about the age of women, as long as they are down to earth. The purpose of the art varies between women and here is an analytic take on the subject.

The reason why women desire depicting false youth is primarily due to the media's portrayal of women, simply put the younger a women seems the healthier and fertile she appears. In turn causing men to find her attractive, an important factor in play here since this question stands, what woman does not like physical appreciation? Several women wish to stay in question requiring them to appear relevant for their success for whatsoever decision they choose. This is more of a superficial reason to express youthfulness, again, personal preference is the subject matter. One of the more noble of the reasons is to look healthier, this can give younger women …show more content…

Surgery, the most exploitative of the options explained. Surgery may cause aspects of the body to look young, though there is plenty of time, money and surgery one has to undergo to achieve the benefits of this endeavor. Make up is an outstanding and resourceful method of decreasing one's age appearance mainly for the low cost and ease of accessibility. All but a few women use this method, the reasons they do use this method could have nothing to do with looking younger, maybe they wish to represent a certain manner. Photo editing became a possibility which one accomplishes through their self or a professional. Some women who are professionals may want to utilize photo editing sources to help portray themselves accurately. These are just a couple of ways how women could campaign themselves to look

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