Long Term Effects Of Bullying Essay

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Bullying has become a worldwide issue. Bullying can drain you emotionally, physically, and emotional. It is unacceptable and it should be stopped. I will discuss the perspectives of the victims, parents, psychologists, school administrators and the legal system. Throughout, this essay, you will see how bullying effectives everyone, if it is right or wrong into the world, and why it still happens. What is bullying? Bullying is a repeated act of verbal, physical, social, or psychological behavior. It leave a long term effect. Bullying is just another way for people in the 21st century to get their way in a way they can embarrasses and tricking the other person. In 2003, 7% of students ages 12-18 reported that they had been bullied at school in the last 6 months; the percentage of students who reported being bullied increased between 1999 and 2001, but no difference were detected between 2001 and 2003. …show more content…

Positive and negative criticism by the teacher may affect how individuals interact with victims and how they perceive victims of bullying. In an educational setting, teachers who fall prey to the Halo or Horn effect may unfairly make inaccurate judgments regarding the social and academic development of a child that my hinder his or her progress in school.” Kleefisch feeling toward this issue is in between because he finds it to be positive and negative. Nearly 1 in 3 students (27.8%) report being bullied during the school

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