Local Thinking Analysis

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"Local thinking" involves some "imagination, charity, and forbearance," as well as willing to be "independent and self-sufficient" (Berry, IV). "Local thinking" involves imagination because it takes creativity to separate oneself from the global culture of today and "learn to live at home," which requires independence and self-sufficiency (Berry, V). Self-efficiency will require people to live with only what the land provides and to use imagination in order to solve problems that occur with living simply (Berry, V). For example, cities should become sustainable by exchanging the massive amounts of money cities receive for fresh crops that the countryside provides; therefore, cities would be able to support local communities and use less material and the countryside could be given more money to make fresh food and not have to worry about being below the poverty line because of the just wages are given by the local communities rather than global ones (Berry, VI). Ecological good sense is another example of "local thinking" that requires the support and labor of the local communities to be independent and self-sufficient (Berry, XIV). "Local thinking" is a tight-knit community effort that requires a love for the land they live on and the love for their neighbors (Berry, XXI).

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