Do you ever burn your dress the day your parents were violently murdered? What about leaving zero footprints when going into the dusty barn? You can’t forget going fishing without a fishing pole. If you have done any of these things you may be Lizzie Borden, and these are my reasons to why. The day that Lizzie’s parents were murdered she was wearing a dress that was allegedly covered in red paint from painting a room in the home quite a while ago. After the murders had happened Lizzie’s sister told her that she should burn the “ratty old dress” that she was wearing so she burnt it in the kitchen. While thinking why would you burn the clothes that you were wearing the day of your parents murder if you weren’t guilty? There was no reason to burn the dress other than to get rid of evidence of the blood on her dress. You might argue that she did it just out of pure thought that it is old but couldn’t she of used it as a nightgown or something other than burning it? …show more content…
Later on when the investigation was going through the detectives found that the barn was covered in dust and was unstirred as if no one had been in there for a while. While Lizzie was “looking for fishing equipment” someone swiftly got into the house and murdered her father within 15 minutes. The maid was inside and she said she heard nothing when the murders happened. Many think that both Lizzie and the Maid killed the Bordens, which could be a very good possibility due to that no one saw anyone besides them in the home at the time of the
The knife that served as the murder weapon was sourced from the kitchen. Their bodies, which were burnt quite badly, were found in their bedroom, which was upstairs. This crime scene was uncovered by fire officers who responded to a 000 call by a neighbor at approximately 3:34am, after Jeffrey had told him his parents and his brother were dead. At this point, Jeffrey creates his alibi that his brother Christopher is responsible for the murder of their parents and setting the bodies on fire, but it was he who murdered
Lizzie said that she was in the barn during the time of the murders. She had told her Sister, Emma Borden that she was out in the backyard during the time of the murders. In the Hyman Lubinsky testimony he states “Saw a lady come out the way from the barn right to the stairs back of the house, the north side stairs” (1). Hyman Lubinsky had also said that it couldn’t have been the maid because he knew the maid well enough to know if it was her. In the Adelaide Churchill testimony she says that she asked Lizzie where she was during the murders. Lizzie answered “I went to the barn to get a piece of iron” (1). Lizzie had also said that she was on the bottom floor of the barn. She had then switched it up and said that she was on the top floor of the barn. Lizzie had said what she could see from the windows in the barn, and it changed on what she could see. Her story is always changing. There is no way to tell where she was on the day of the murders. The barn was found
... 5, 1893 15 days later the jury returns a verdict of “Not Guilty” (“Lizzie Borden”).
The evidence between witnesses seeing Lizzie buy poison, washing a brown stained dress, her inconsistencies in the alibis, and her lacking of emotion all pointed to Lizzie Borden’s guilt. Jacob applied society’s outlook on an 1800’s American women as frail, feeble-minded, morally driven individuals who are incapable of a planned murder, to support her argument that Lizzie, no matter how guilty she may have been, would not be convicted of murder. Convicting Lizzie of murder meant opposing the established woman stereotypes which endangered the cohesive mindset of
On a hot morning on august 4, 1892, Mr. Andrew Borden and his wife, Abby Borden, were brutally murdered. A daughter of the victims, Lizzie Borden was arrested, tried and acquitted of the crime. “ She was a woman of spotless character and reputation, and more than that she was educated, refined and prominently connected with the work of the Christian church in the Fall River”(Gates 2).The town and the country were divided in their opinions of who could commit such horrifying murders. Many theories have been made to explain that day; the finger has been pointed in every direction- even a Chinese Sunday school student of Lizzies. To this day people are unsure as to weather or not Lizzie brutally murdered her parents.
Many people are not obsessed, but worried about their reputation or their name in Salem. Some names are respected like Elizabeth Proctor or John Proctor. I am going to talk about John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and how people earn forgiveness in the real world. It is
Holden tries to preserve his own innocence, and the innocence of others by not letting go of childhood memories and through his desire to suspend time. Holden views the adult world as corrupt and full of phonies. He admires childhood because of how it is free of corruption, and untouched by the adult world. IN order to preserve his own innocence Holden often attaches himself to childhood memories. The Museum of NAtural History is one of Holden’s favourite places . He mentions that his grade one teacher Miss. Aigletinger used to take his class there every saturday. While writing about the museum he says, “The best thing, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was” (121). This shows how Holden wants to preserve his innocence because he expresses how he likes how everything stayed the
“I Want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people even those who I’ve never met, I want to go on living even after my death!” (from a Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank). This quote has a lot of meaning because she wanted to be remembered and I am now writing and telling about her eighty one years later. Anne Frank is a hero because she was a spirited young Jewish girl that had to go into hiding at the age of thirteen.
“When you're young you don't know anything, but you have lot of energy to express yourself. So you make a lot of mistakes and you stumble, but you also get a lot of truth from within.” Said Gilbert Hernandez. This idea shows when one is young it is necessary for that person to express their emotions to deal with any complications they might encounter. In the play, “Diary of Anne Frank" Anne is a teenager dealing with the challenges of the Holocaust. Due to this her family goes into hiding. Throughout their experience conflicts start to come up between Anne and the other residents. When facing these conflicts she turns to her father, a sixteen year old boy named Peter, and her diary. It is in this play that the author uses Anne Frank’s relationship with her father, Peter, and her diary to demonstrate the theme of expressing feelings can help cope one with societal challenges beyond someone’s control.
Americans look up to our president for strength and comfort, but what if he was laying lifeless on the ground? Reba is a sixty-four-year-old women from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She got her degree at Oklahoma University. Reba Wickberg was just thirteen years old, and in the eighth grade when she had to experience this horrible tragedy when John F. Kennedy got shot.
Throughout the movie, Lizzie Borden shows many signs and symptoms of a mental disorder. First, she gets easily angered, especially by her father. For example, she excuses herself from the table, even though her father told her that she may not be, so she leaves the table in anger. She hums in the same room as her father, even though her father told her not to make any noise while in the same room, so she angrily puts down the iron and leaves the room. She has also shown violent and irrational tendencies in the home, such as throwing things. Second, she steals money and a watch from her stepmother’s purse. She also steals a mirror from the store and acts like nothing happened. Moreover, she repeatedly lies to those around her. For instance, she makes up an excuse that the mirror must have fallen into the dress box. She lies to the officer and her father about stealing from her stepmother’s purse. She repeatedly makes up excuses, such as saying that her stepmother got a note
Lizzie Borden directed the film, Born in Flames, in 1983. Born in Flames is a film that addresses many flaws in society such as inequality, sexism, and bigotry. Borden shot the film in a documentary style in black and white to emphasize the setting of the film in an alternative and sci-fi America. The film depicts America as a socialist democracy and has a futuristic vibe during the whole film. Borden implements two radio broadcasters to showcase the inequalities experienced in society by all genders, races, and sexually-oriented people and further accentuates to the audience of such inequalities through various controversial scenes which exhibit issues that are still prevalent in today’s society.
In 1977 Irene Pepperberg, a recent graduate of Harvard University, did something very bold. At a time when animals still were considered automatons, she set out to find what was on another creature’s mind by talking to it. She brought a one-year-old African gray parrot she named Alex into her lab to teach him to reproduce the sounds of the English language. “I thought if he learned to communicate, I could ask him questions about how he sees the world.”
Jessica Bateman has been one of our longest standing members. She has been an active WWFH partner since 2010 and a co-chair in 2012. When asked what has kept her committed to WWFH for so long, she replied, "I feel that there is a tremendous amount of value in coalition work. Particularly, the broad scope of partners who comprise WWFH including patients, physicians, and research institutions results in impactful advocacy campaigns that promote access to life-saving medical treatments."
With everybody speaking of our racial system as “unconstitutional” and “cruel”, it may be hard to continue our crusade against integration, but we must persevere. We must fight for our children, our homes, our jobs, and our future. They will take over. Just the other day, four young negroes took over the neighborhood malt shop. They sat and were ignored, yet they still sat. They refused to move, albeit silently, leaving paying members of our community hungry and inconvenienced. We must show them that this behavior, although peaceful, will not be tolerated.