Living Out Love Essay

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Living Out Love: Do we really do it? The command to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is motivated by a great love. A love for others and a genuine concern and deep soul rooted passion for people. A love that results in sacrifice. A love that clothes the naked and feeds the hungry. A love that says, “I really do care about you.” A love that makes a bitter man smile and the tender woman cry. A love that gives a true sense of hope. This is the motivator of the Golden Rule. Love is the nature of such a high calling and command. So, it would be safe to say that those who would live by this compassion centered teaching would have the key quality of love. So then, to claim that many live by this is to say that many people have the quality of deep love that accompanies such a teaching and lifestyle. And if I’m being quite honest that’s just not the case. So, few people actually have the great love that drives such a lifestyle. This, obviously, means that …show more content…

Have you ever wanted a hug? Or a surprise cookie? Or a “Hey, you look great today!” I know have. Or how about this, help with personal struggles? Advice on how to mend a broken relationship? Or true forgiveness from you a friend you really hurt? We can all identify with these situations. We have all, not expected, but wanted to be treated in this manner, in a manner of love. So, we all know that it is inherently in all of mankind to want validation and acceptance that is found in love. We have a desire to be shown such great love. So, if our desire is this, and many say that they live out the Golden Rule, why do we not see this mighty compassion in our daily lives? Think about it, when do you feel like you have truly treated another the way you really want to be treated. If the command itself entails that much love, then I’d say that few really follow

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