Living Life Like The Great Gatsby

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Living Life Like The Great Gatsby

Imagine that you live in the nineteen twenties, and that you are a very

wealthy man that lives by himself in a manchine, on a lake and who throws

parties every weekend. This is just the beginning of how to explain the way

Jay Gatsby lived his life. This novel, by F. Scott, Fitzgerald is one that is

very deep in thought. Fitzgerald releases little clues along the way of the

novel that will be crusual to understand the ending. For instance, he makes

the blue coupe a very important clue, as well as the Dr. T. J. Eckleburg eyes on

the billboard that Mr. Wilson (the gas station attendant ) refers to as the eyes

of god. There are also other little things that relate to the reason of

gatsby's death. The main character's of this novel each have their part to do

with the ending, Nick Caraway is probably the main character of this novel, as

he comes down from New Jersey to new York to visit his cousin Daisy, who is

married to Tom Buchannan. These are some of the incidents that are included in

the novel as you will read further I will relate some issues of the novel, as

well as other critics have included their views on The Great Gatsby.

F. Scott, Fitsgerald was an American short story writer and novelist

famous for his depictions of the Jazz Age(the 1920's), his most brilliant novel

work being The Great Gatsby(1925). He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on sept.

24, 1896 and died in Hollywood, California on December 21, 1940. His private

life, with his wife, Zelda, in both America and France, became almost as

celebrated as his novels. Fitsgerald was the only son of an aristocrat father,

who was the author of the star spangle banner. Fitzgerald spent most of time

with his wife, latter in their relationship they moved to france where he began

to write his most brilliant novel, The Great Gatsby. All of his divided nature

is in this novel, the native midwestener afir with the possibilities of every

Americans dream in it's hero, Jay Gatsby, and the compassionate princeton

gentlemen in it's narrator, Nick Carraway. The Great Gatsby is the most

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