Living By Design Or Default Affects Dating Life

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How Living By Design Instead Of Default Affects Your Dating Life
You can take charge of your life and make it something really, really great.
How can you tell if you are living by design or default? If you have a purpose in life and plans set in place, and you are actively taking action on those plans, then you are living by design. If you are blowing in the wind, not sure where you are going, living day to day wondering what will happen to you tomorrow, and feeling out of control, you are living by default.

Living by design helps you create the life you want.

You work towards goals, desires, and dreams
You feel optimistic or excited about life - no matter what is happening
You overcome failure instead of letting it stop you in your tracks
You feel …show more content…

Therefore, you live in the past. You focus on everything that has been done to you and you feel hopeless about what is to come.

When you have that kind of attitude, you are just going to attract more of the same into your life. Why? There are a few reasons.

Nobody likes a victim. Victims suck your energy and they are draining. They are not fun to be around. They blame others for their problems, which is really unattractive to anyone - especially women looking for a man.
Suspicion is part of a victim's life - And, when you get suspicious of others people's intentions with you, they feel it and become suspicious of you. That's not a good start to a date, and it doesn't contribute to a healthy relationship.
A victim is not attractive - Attraction is a huge part of connecting with someone and forming a bond, but victims are not attractive. They have low confidence, are pessimistic, have no concrete future goals, are not taking action on their life, and focus on the past or worry about the future instead of living in the moment. In short, there is not much to be attracted to in a victim.
How Does Living By Design Affect Your Dating

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