Literary Synthesis Essay

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They say literature represents the people. It is through literature that we are able to understand and connect with other people because it creates similarities out of the differences that we all possess. There are similarities to be found in different works of literature from many different times as well as different cultures from all over the world. The classical indian literature, to name one, is one of the things I find influential because of the myriad of values and principles it teaches that could still be applicable in this modern world. The works of india during this period shows how religion is greatly valued in a person's life and how these religions become his way of life. Their religions centered on sacrificial concepts and great importance was …show more content…

Their placement in caste system serves as their status in the society and they cannot merit a higher status until death. Unless they became a good follower of their religion then through reincarnation, they can attain a higher status. The caste system being part of their culture, forbids intermamarriages between castes. These principles clearly represent how religion plays a definitive role in their country. It also reflects the interactions of the four aims of human coduct. First, the dharma which is the religious duty. Second, the Artha which is wealth, politics and public life. third, the Kama which is erotic pleasure and the emotions. Lastly, the moksha which is the liberation from the chain of birth and death due to karma. As portrayed in the epic, Ramayana, it talks about the importance of human values and fulfilling one's dharma in life that is to say, the duties that a person has with regard to himself, his family and the society. It greatly reflects how India values the significance of the family, the true identity of an individual and the sanctity of the

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