Literary Analysis Essay On The Yellow Wallpaper

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Analytical Essay The Yellow Wallpaper In “The Yellow Wallpaper,” Charlotte Perkins Gilman gives us insight to how postpartum depression was addressed in the nineteenth century. The main character whose name was never given to us was diagnosed and handed a treatment that was to fix her depression. Ironically, the “resting cure” that was supposed to make her feel better was the thing that made her go insane. One of the literary devices was the conflict between John and his wife, which caused his wife to feel like she was faking her illness. John thought his wife was fine John went as far as to tell others that his wife was not ill he, “…assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter…” (Gillman, pg. 394) Nonetheless, he made sure she followed the doctor’s orders. His wife was “… absolutely forbidden to “work”…” (Gillman, pg. 394) John’s lack of support made his wife shut down. …show more content…

He would control who was allowed around her. His wife wanted their cousins to visit but when she asked he refused, “…he would as soon put fireworks in my pillow-case…” (Gillman, pg. 397) John believed having them around would give her too much stimulus. John controlled every aspect of her life because he believed he was doing the best for her. John’s wife accepted everything he said because she wanted him to be happy. She thought, “…congenial work, with excitement and change, would do me good.” (Gillman, pg. 394) however, she would not dare tell her husband for fear of upsetting

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