Lisa Delpit: A Conceptual Analysis

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Upon doing research, I have also read a few great pieces of literature that share some insight on successful literacy development and parental involvement aiding in that success. Lisa Delpit is an extraordinary author and educationalist who offers so much insight into the school systems and shares what works and does not work. I have had the pleasure of reading a few of her texts, but the one that fit this thesis best in her book called "Multiplication is for White People: Raising Expectations for Other People's Children". In chapter 3 of this book, Delpit discusses how learning does not just take place at school, but also does at home. At home learning is just as important as it is when it is being used in classrooms. Delpit (2013) states, "I have never presented myself as a reading researcher, only as a teacher who has "taught" reading. Yet, the more I explore research on reading, the more I realize that I understand our limited knowledge of what actually transpires during the learning-to-read process" (p. 60). Delpit is stating that many teachers and even parents only go by the book on …show more content…

Also, there have been many involvement strategies given throughout this thesis, along with empirical data, to benefit and incorporate into children's lives based on their individual needs. There were some limitations that this thesis presented, but it did not affect the overall outcome of the research. It was a challenge trying to discover research that is mindful of the inherent pitfalls in conceptualization. The research discovered for this thesis did not offer specific grade levels to back up the research, but instead would say lower elementary, upper elementary or just children in general. The research never got too specific with the age group being targeted, but the evidence of the articles made it easier to pinpoint the approximate age

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