Lionel Messi Research Paper

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Football is the most widespread sport in the world. According to HuffPost, "an estimated 3.5 billion people from all around the world view the World Cup while 1.7-billion watch the Uefa Champions League." Some of the most celebrated sports icons have been footballers. Born in Rosario, Argentina in 1987, Lionel Messi is regarded by dozens of legends as the greatest footballer to ever grace a football pitch. He has accomplished incredible feats, scored hundreds of goals, won countless trophies, and overcome numerous obstacles. He is a philanthropist who has donated millions to charity to help impoverished children in war-torn countries as well as third world ones. his biggest impact is on children as he constantly gives charity "Leo …show more content…

This is because society has created an ideal man that shows little emotion, and displays manhood at all times. Messi is not the "macho" man that countless young teenagers feel pressured to emulate. Instead of being public and sharing his opinion on every matter, he prefers to keep to himself. A CNN journalist who met the Argentine wrote about him, and his personality. He stated that "Messi, whose global presence rivals any athlete's, does not. His soundtrack, such as it is, comes from a mixture of screams and shouts, gasps and gulps, all of which emanate not from him but rather from the millions upon millions who are mesmerized by the sweet magic pouring from his feet like cake batter." Messi is a quiet person who keeps to himself and doesn't write much on social media, preferring Instagram so that the photos speak for themselves. Introverts are singled out in school for not being outgoing. His nature has made it more acceptable for introverts to act themselves. He is also a leading advocate for equality. He stated during UEFA's #EqualGame campaign that "During the course of my career, our beloved sport has taught me many things, but above all, it's shown me that football really is a universal game that is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation and religious beliefs. "I'm fully behind UEFA's #EqualGame campaign because I believe in the immense power of the sport and its ability to change our outlook on the world." This exhibited his role as a humanist who ignores social norms in sports such as football, where men receive more recognition and pay than women.

Some people can say that Messi is not a role model due to not speaking on the issue of stereotypes and gender norms. However, he prefers to stay away from these issues. Instead, he is helping impoverished children around the world through many donations to Unicef and the Leo Messi Foundation.

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