Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey Essay

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Natural Effects
(Three messages from Wordsworth’s Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey.)

Trying to understand that nature is where people came from is becoming a more difficult subject to comprehend simply because of the increase in technology. When people are capable of making things that they begin to value more than nature, it becomes challenging to think about. Some people have begun to revert to ‘new’ thinking that we are all one soul with multiple faucets. “...understanding of time that is very much tied to the body and its relationship with the soul.” (Pope) Writers throughout time have certainly tried to grasp this concept because they are tasked with explaining what others dub unexplainable. Similarly, William Wordsworth, in his poem, Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, explores three important messages; an interest in nature is healthy, the little things are able to be a content to people, and younger siblings can bring a positive effect on a person. Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, by William …show more content…

Today’s society is beginning to move back to that concept, especially in relationships. Little things like telling your partner what’s going on and informing them of details. Remembering their favorite food and getting it when they’re sad. “...-that's when you can and should attend to the little things, both in content and form.” (Sims) Wordsworth realized this in a place after he had been gone for a long while and realized it was still a place that was important to him. “How oft in spirit, have I turned to thee o sylvian Wye! Thou wanderer through the wood, how often my spirit has turned to thee!” (Line 56) Wordsworth, after great reflection understood what it was that mattered to him, which included this place which still flooded his

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