Lilo And Stich: The Impact Of Death In A Family

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Abstract Bereavement over the years have taken on a new form with research. The impact of death in a family is no doubt, great indeed. While most agree that each person copes in their own way, the family dynamics are changed instantly and roles in the family are compromised. This paper will focus on the challenge a child has when both of the parents die at the same time. The exploration of early parental death and the effects it has on a child is demonstrated in the Disney movie, Lilo and Stich. To reduce the emotional damage that increases over time, a clinical evaluation will be provided in assisting the family as they adjust to their new family situation. Lilo and Stitch Lilo and Stitch is a movie that came out in 2002 with the primary …show more content…

In the process of transporting Experiment 626, he escapes in a spaceship and lands on earth, the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. On the Island of Kauai, there is a young girl named Lilo who is seven years old who lives with her sister Nani in a house on top of a hill. Nani just graduated from High School and now has the responsibility of taking care of her little sister and find a job. Lilo is an orphan who lost both her parents at the same time in a car accident caused by the rain. Lilo is a spirited little girl with an abnormal personality resulting from the recent death of her parent’s. Nani and Lilo are issued a social worker named Cobra Bubbles. The social worker is trying to determine if Nani is able to provide adequate care for Lilo. With the pressures of trying to find a job, keep Lilo out of trouble and meet the social worker’s expectations, Lilo makes the situation harder. The friends Lilo had don’t know what to say to her because of her loss and treat her like she is crazy. This causes her to lash out in emotions and biting one of them. Lilo also feeds a fish peanut butter and jelly …show more content…

Even though the teacher told Lilo to stay and wait for her sister to pick her up, Lilo went home and locked herself in the house listening to Elvis “Heart break hotel.” Mr. Bubbles the social worker and I the therapist show up to the house as Nani is trying to get into the house. Hello Nani, says Mr. Bubbles I am the social worker and this is Ms. Kim. We are here for your visit, is there a problem? “No, give me a minute” says Nani as she is getting up from the porch floor with a hammer. Nani runs around back as Mr. Bubbles follows her. Ms. Kim kneels down and peeks through the doggie door to say hello to Lilo. “Hello Lilo my name is Ms. Kim, you like Elvis?” Lilo turns her head as she is laying on the floor in the living room and takes a deep breath and says “yes, he is my model citizen and friend.” “Elvis is a great singer, I enjoy his music as well” says Ms. Kim. “Lilo can we come in with your sister so we can listen with you?” “I guess you can” says Lilo. Nani, who is in the back of the house gets in through a window and invites us in. Mr. Bubbles continues to talk to Nani, while Ms. Kim goes to the living room to sit with Lilo to listen to music. When the music stops, Lilo looks at me and says “I have no friends, they all think I’m weird.” Why do you say that Lilo? “Because they don’t understand me, they

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