Light as a Raw Material of Photosynthesis

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Photosynthesis is the process of making glucose using the raw materials water, carbon dioxide and radiant energy. Which is trapped by the chlorophyll molecules and then oxygen is given off as a bi-product if the process. It is the conversion of radiant energy into chemical potential energy.

The occurrence of photosynthesis is very important to us as humans, because it provides us with the oxygen we need to breathe and plants are at the bottom of every food-chain and so without them, I would collapse.

Photosynthesis has 4 factors that it needs to occur: chlorophyll, water, carbon dioxide and sunlight (radiant energy), these also influence the rate of photosynthesis depending on the amount. In this investigation the factor of (sun)light will be investigated. We know already that light is necessary for photosynthesis to occur but it will be proven by an experiment and literature reviews that it is indeed necessary.

Light is needed for photosynthesis to occur and with more light intensity photosynthesis will occur more.

We are going to be proving that the above hypothesis is true by doing research in the form of literature reviews on the factor and photosynthesis and by carrying out an investigation/experiment.

Review of Literature

1. The effect of full radiant energy, 60% or a 90% which is reduced in intensity was investigated on a certain type of grass. What was being investigated was the rate of photosynthesis, the growth of the plant and a few other factors. These were compared to plants grown in the shade and it was concluded that plants that are grown in full sunlight give more biomass, which is organic matter used as fuel, stalks and leaves and roots. The plants that were grown in 60% and 90% shade flowered ...

... middle of paper ...

...hat affected the results a bit. A recommendation is that more a week more is given for the experiment so that you can look for the sunniest days to the experiment so that the correct and best results are received.

Works Cited

Elizabeth A. Pierson, R. N. (1990, 10 01). The effect of shading on photosynthesis, growth, and regrowth following defoliation for Bromus tectorum. Retrieved 03 12, 2014, from Springer Link : (Article 1)

Lambers, H. (2014, 02 01). photosynthesis. Retrieved 03 12, 2014, from Encyclopaedia Britannica: (Article 2)

Lehman, C. (N/A). Effect of Light on Photosynthesis. Retrieved 03 12, 2014, from eHow: (Article 3)

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