Lifetime Term Should Be Abolished

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In 1787, the Constitution was signed, and in the Constitution, Article III, Section I states a Judge's terms. They have lifetime terms, meaning that Judges are in office for life. Once federal judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by Congress. They are usually in favor of the President and the Congress. They would be in office. Judges can get out of office if they are impeached. They would balance the “purse”, and the “sword”. The “purse” meaning congress and the “sword meaning the President. Judges do a lot of duties. These duties help the states and the country as a whole. This ranges from sentencing convicted criminals to resolving disagreements between the states. The federal court system has jurisdiction over some of the nation’s most important arguments. While the Founding Fathers may have had good reasons when granting federal judges lifetime appointments. Right now, it presents fundamental problems. The increasing life expectancy of federal judges in recent years and relative immunity of their positions raises questions about the comparison of lifetime terms. In order to solve these problems, lifetime term should be abolished. Most problems that a life term can cause problems with the age …show more content…

We cannot overlook the fact that it becomes difficult to have justice in cases that become more technologically complicated. As cases involve more technical components that are complex, it becomes difficult for an elderly judge not well in working technology to have a fair legal decision. There is definitely concern about the justices being out of touch. There have been a number of cases with modern technology, whether it be smartphones, bulk data collection, different types of ways of getting TV over the airwaves or over the Internet. The increasing complexity of technology around which many cases revolve can make it difficult for that judge to decide cases fairly and

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