Liberalism and Conservatism

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Liberalism and Conservatism

Liberalism and conservatism have been political ideas and thoughts from the very birth of our democracy. Their views and points of the government's role in a democratic society have changed over the years, but the basic ideas and principles have remained the same. There are many different degrees of liberalism and conservatism as almost anyone can be labeled. Some individuals are radical and extreme while others stand on more of a neutral territory, but the debates between the understood ideas of each group have continued throughout the history of the United States. We will take liberalism's Gary Doore and conservatism's Irving Kristol as modern day examples and compare and contrast the political ways of thinking of each individual.

Conservatism is comprised of religion, nationalism, and economic growth. Among these, Irving Kristol believes religion is most important (18). Why? Obviously, religion doesn't teach people to do wrong. In fact, as most of us know, religion sternly instills good values and morals in a person at an early age. These ideas are what tell people right from wrong, good from bad. Religion motivates people to succeed in life not in materialistic aspects, but in law abiding, respectful aspects. Respect for God, life and other human beings. So how can this be bad for a society? It can't and that's why conservatives think it is most important in the function of a government (18-19)

If America could live up to the religious standard, crime would be nonexistent. Of course, this is impossible, but it is the idea that drives conservative thinkers. Kristol points out that recent liberal attempts to slow down and decrease the crime rate h...

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... this article he mentioned that he would like to see Clinton succeed at decentralizing the government, creating a more democratic society, boosting the economy, and turning around the general aura and perspectives the people have for this country. Seven years later, I think he, along with many conservatives, would be pleased by the recent positive changes this nation has accomplished.


Doore, Gary. "Liberalism Is Ideal for America." Orig. "Democratizing the United States." The Humanist May/June 1993. American Values. Ed. David Bender.

San Diego: Greenhaven P, 1995. 23-28.

Kristol, Irving. "Conservatism Is Ideal for America." Orig. "The Coming 'Conservative

Century.'" The Wall Street Journal 1 Feb. 1993. American Values. Ed. David

Bender. San Diego: Greenhaven P, 1995. 17-22.

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