Lianne George Why Are We Dressing Our Daughters Like This Analysis

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Lianne George’s article “Why Are We Dressing Our Daughters Like This?” (2014) focuses on the societal issue of an increasingly earlier development of young girls. George states that companies facilitate this early development by producing adult like goods for children that push an adult mindset and behaviour. Through the use of various examples George argues that this trend is ill advised and should not be continued. George starts with the example of the Christian schoolgirl outfit, once meant to represent sexual purity and chastity, it now has been fetishized to the point where it represents sexuality bursting at the seams. She states that it does not help that older women are now wearing promiscuous outfits adorned with childlike slogans and logos. The increasingly scantily clad nature of grown women acting as role models for children causes them to dress like their role models. That is, in a provocative manner. George says that such clothing blurs the line …show more content…

This demonstrates her viewpoint that a trend such as this could lower the age of becoming sexual in children. George says that possibly this trend is an overcorrection of the 70’s when women dressed more conservatively as to not distinguish themselves from the males. Lianne brings up that until the 18th century it was uncommon to see a child as anything but a little adult, that the concept of having a unique children is a relatively new prospect. She also brings up that historically children dressed like and were expected to behave like adults. She says that this is similar to what is happening currently. That children are losing their childhood in an attempt to seem older, even when they don't necessarily know why, how or what they even are attempting to be perceived as older. Lianne calls this “age compression” and says that it is possibly brought on the wealth of information that children have access to.

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