Hypothetical Findings, Limitations, and Implications of Coping, Stress, and Homelessness
Researchers conducted an experiment on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) youth and the coping mechanisms they used in relation to experiencing homelessness. Researcher’s hypothesized LGB youth who cope with stress in positive manners versus negative manners are least likely to experience homelessness. The positive coping mechanisms consisted of confiding in a friend, family member, professional personnel, journaling, and maintaining a positive self-image, as well as self-esteem. The negative coping mechanisms consisted of running away, suicidal attempts, abusing alcohol or drugs, engaging in promiscuous sexual activity, and physical abuse towards others.
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LGB youth coping with stress in positive manners was associated with a decrease likelihood of becoming homeless. The strength of the relationship was negatively correlated and indicates that coping with stress in negative ways may contribute to LGB youth becoming homeless. The results were not surprising to researchers because the ways in which any people including LGB youth handle stressors will be a determining factor in one’s life. LGB youth deal with stressors similar to heterosexual youth, but also different. The similarity and differences come from the stigmas associated with identifying as LGB, which contribute to numerous problems for LGB youth. This study examined factors and filled gaps past research did not accomplish. Past research explored the reasons some LGB youth become homeless, while other LGB youth does not. Also explored were the coping mechanisms used by sexual minority youth in relations to one’s life outcomes. Overall, the study has some strong components, as well as some
The perspectives from transgender youth is critically missing in many discussion, research, intervention and implementation strategies. Transgender youth, are misunderstood, misrepresented and excluded from conversations, decision making, and policy execution when in actuality they should be involved. Shelton & Bond (2017) elucidates that although there is a growing body of research that examines LGBTQ youth homelessness, gaps in knowledge about the specific experiences of transgender and gender-expansive homeless youth remain. Studies focus largely on transgender youth in the context of the methods and measures in studies. Hence, including transgender youth within research on sexual minorities, rather than allowing them a distinct category of inquiry, can replicate the common misreading of transgender people as
With nearly 3.18 million people in the United States, there are 610.042 individuals who are homeless which calculates to about nearly one in five individuals (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014 and HUD/US, 2013). At any time situations can change that can render an individual’s homeless. There are no qualities that exempt individuals from the chances of becoming homeless. However, there are certain predispositions and characteristics that can predict the likelihood of becoming homeless. Homelessness can be contributed to a number of situations such as occupational stress, financial stress, mental health issues, substance use, gender, age, race, disabilities, incarceration, chronic illness, and family stress.
Studies have analyzed how African Americans deal with an enormous amount of disease, injury, death, and disability compared to other ethnic group, and whites, Utilization of health services by African Americans is less frequent than other ethnic groups in the country. This non utilization of services contributes to health disparities amongst African Americans in the United States. Current and past studies have shown that because of discrimination, medical mistrust, racial/ethnic background, and poor communication African Americans tend to not seek medical care unless they are in dire need or forced to seek professional care. African Americans would rather self –medicate than to trust a doctor who might show some type of discriminatory
Homeless Youth: Characteristics, Contributing Factors, and Service Options. Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment, 20(2), 193-217. doi:10.1080/10911350903269831
HIV/AIDS is a major risk factor affecting a large portion of the LGBT community, especially gay men. CDC.gov (2013) found that gay and bisexual men of all races continue to be at high risk for developing HIV. According to Krehely (2009) the drug and substance abuse risk factor, as well as mental health issues in the LGBT community often occur and are related to high rates of stress due to the lack of family acceptance of the LGBT lifestyle, systematic discrimination, and the lack of cultural competency in the health care environment. Sexu...
As we go about our daily lives in the beautiful country of Canada which we have been blessed to live in, it has become normal to see a woman who wears the hijab walking down the street, or a Black family driving on the highway, or an Indian man wearing a suit and tie heading into the office. Canada’s cultural diversity is something which makes the country so special to live in, and instances where we see people of different cultures is increasing everyday. Many of the newcomers who arrive from overseas into Canada are families, with children and youth ready to begin their new life filled with opportunity here in Canada. However, youth who settle in Canada with their families aren’t exempted from the trials and tribulations youth face. In fact,
It is very reasonable to conclude that research on depression of those who identify as gay, lesbian or transsexual is not accurate; there is an underreporting of people who identify as these sexual orientations because of the fear of being different. It is understood that those apart of the LGBTQ community actively hide their identity in hopes to avoid being rejected or abused (Bird, 2013). Once the reporting issue of having a smaller percentage of the actual representation of the LGBTQ population is put aside, there is evidence that highly suggests that lesbians and gay men are at higher risk for psychiatric disorders than heterosexuals (Cochran, 2001). Even after underreporting, there is still enough information to conclude that sexual discrimination can have harmful effects on the quality of life. Common factors that have been observed in lesbians and gays that can potentially increase depression during Cochran's study are anxiety and mood disorders and decreased self esteem. Cochran and her partner also noted that dissatisfaction with how one is treated beca...
Teen activism affects the worlds in many ways.Teen activist are believers and are people who want to change the world, and all it takes is to have a passion and fight for it. But some of the most important ones are, Malala Yousafzai affects the world by enforcing women's rights. Second, is Alex Libby fights to stop bullying.
Being a homeless youth is a serious issue, it increases the risk of “higher risk for physical abuse, sexual exploitation, mental health disabilities, substance abuse, and death” (Finzel, R. 2013). Jasmine, who had no place to go began prostituting herself and doing IV drugs, with a combination of these two that it would be enviable that she would contract HIV. Jasmine being a bi-racial teenager and not knowing her father is having problems with identity. There are many ways to developed identity, it’s “shaped by individual characteristics, family dynamics, historical factors, and social and political context.” (Hud-Aleem, R., & Countryman, J. 2008). Considering that because of her father’s absences in her life and her mother’s depression and drug use, Jasmine never got a chance to discover who she is causing an identity crisis.
Youth subcultures are often associated with their own styles of speaking, having their own register that is only associated with such. Their stereotypical identity has been built around their register, yet their register has become part of their own youth internalized identity. It has become instrumental to the spreading of the stereotype of youth subculture. Rather, youth subcultures often take on slang registers but it does not become a part of such. Seen as a form of rebellion to go against the structures of language that is viewed as part of a hierarchal stance. To speak ‘proper’, a sense of formality has been built to be the appropriate form of language to be spoken between those seen as youth and those seen as authority. Going against
From 1945 onwards post-war Europe began rebuilding, a period which created an economic boom, where unskilled and semi-skilled work paid generously in jobs such as distribution, retail and light assembly amongst other service jobs. Creating a society that consisted of considerable amounts of disposable income, especially among working-class youth who worked while still residing with parents . The post war baby boom which brought about a new generation of youth who shared different values, morals and behaviours to that of their parents . This essay aims to explore why youth culture was seen as a phenomenon after 1945 in Europe with reference to Britain and America.
Mental health refers to the state of individuals psychologically, emotionally and socially. Mental health affects a person’s emotions, feelings, thoughts, and sections when exposed to different situations. Furthermore, mental health is responsible for a person’s reaction to stress and other social conditions. Generally, mental health affects how a person relates to others and their ability to understand and interact with them. Therefore, problems that affect a person’s mental health affect the abilities to socialize, their feelings, moods, reaction to situations. The person experiencing mental health problem may portray different behaviors when confronted with different issues. Mental health issues have several
Joanna Almeida, Renee M. Johnson, Heather L. Corliss, Beth E. Molnar. Emotional Distress among LGBT Youth: The Influence of Percieved Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation. 13 March 2014 .
Teens in crisis: It happens from time to time – you find yourself with teens in crisis, and for a moment you are frozen & unsure exactly where to go from here. The fear of making the wrong choice can be paralyzing to parents, but I’m going to provide you with 6 tips for dealing with teens in crisis.
A teenager’s life can be easy-going and difficult. There are various things that contribute to shaping a teenager’s life. Ongoing situations can sometimes be easy to bear, but mostly tough conditions arise in this time frame. As a teenager, there are several things to contemplate about, as a new era of adulthood will usher in. A teenager can express optimistic joy, but it won’t last for long. A teenager has to be careful in making tough decisions down the road. Responsibility is a huge word teenagers should cope with because down the stretch it is necessary for them to be responsible for their actions.