Leonard Euler, Seven Bridges Of Konigsberg, Zeta Function

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Abstract—The transition to calculus was a remarkable period in the history of mathematics and witnessed great advancements in this field. The great minds of the 17th through the 19 Centuries worked rigorously on the theory and the application of calculus. One theory started another one, and details needed justifications. In turn, this started a new mathematical era developing the incredible field of calculus on the hands of the most intelligent people of ancient times. In this paper, we focus on an amazing mathematician who excelled in pure mathematics despite his physical inability of total blindness. This mathematician is Leonard Euler.

Index Terms—Leonard Euler, Euler Characteristic, Seven Bridges of Konigsberg, Zeta Function

The invention of calculus started in the second half of the 17th Century. The few preceding centuries, known as the Renaissance period, marked a time of prosperity in different areas throughout Europe. Different philosophies emerged which resulted in a new form of mindset. Science and art were still very much interconnected and intermingled at this time, as exemplified by the work of artists and scientists such as Leonardo da Vinci. It is no surprise that revolutionary work in science and …show more content…

Euler was one of the mathematical giants of the 18th Century. Leonard Euler (1707-1783) was born in Basel, Switzerland. His father was a Lutheran minister and wanted him to follow his path. Euler’s interest was different however, he was a natural mathematician. Johann Bernoulli helped Euler pursue his path by convincing his father of his mathematical abilities. Bernoulli became Euler’s teacher at the St. Petersburg Academy of Science. Euler’s personal life was more on the tragic side. He married and had 13 children, but only 5 survived their infancy. It is said that Euler made some of his greatest discoveries while holding his baby

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