Legitimate Power In Prison Essay

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Legitimate power consists of prisoners accepting the fact that staff has the authority to give directives concerning the inmates activities daily, legitimate power ensure compliance by the majority of prisoners over the scope of the inmates activities and over the largest amount of time and effort that is involved in these activities (Carlson, & Garrett, 2008). Legitimate power may be the most important power for correctional staff, due to the position of the power. With many discussions of legitimacy in prisons the focus is on the importance of the inmate's perception of prison authority to maintain safety and order, this will also help to reinforce the credibility of the prison officials and those that govern over these facilities (Woolredge, & Steiner, 2016). For legitimate power to work correctional officers must be careful of how they exert their power, so that inmates will be perceptive it also helps to shape inmates perceptions. Example of legitimate power inside a prison would be an officer giving some inmate instructions of what he/she should be doing, how the officer present this information can tell what kind of authority he/she has with …show more content…

Coercive power can be the use of extreme force when an officer responds to a disturbance in a unit or the mess hall and the use of force is necessary whether it be the use of a stun gun or physical force to contain the disturbance before it escalates into a full-scale riot. The sex of an officer will also play a role in the exercise of power since men tend to be more aggressive compared to women they will most often rely on threats of force to gain compliance among inmates (Woolredge, & Steiner,

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