Leadership Versus Management: Exploring Leadership by Co-author, Barbara Kellerman

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Several weeks ago, I stumbled on this quote “Greatness is not a function of circumstance; greatness is largely a matter of conscience, choice and discipline” by Jim Collins. Halfway into my Leadership One class, after a sober reflection; I realized that all the great leaders I had heard of and known personally exhibited traits of fascinating discipline, intense consciousness amongst other factors. Another interesting observation showed the allegiances of these leaders to a supernatural being. In my opinion, leaders and managers have quite a clear distinction which is tersely explained as “managers do things right and leaders do the right thing.” Nonetheless, managers administer and leaders innovate to be precise.
Management is the ability to get a job done using appropriate processes, models and systems to achieve an objective. Managers think radically, abide by principles, rules and use experience in their respective fields to make things work. A good manager goes about the ordinary activities such a staffing, organizing, planning (Robert, 2007). The very ability of his/her colleague to discover the uniqueness in each of the subordinates, capitalize on it, harnessing the best out of them to accomplish goals clearly distinguishes such a person as great when compared to others. Great managers develop people and enthusiastically transfer acquired skills to others, work progress is constant and usually by leaps and bounds. In addition, a great manager outlines and strategizes his/her team for project plans such that there is a “buy in” on delivered commitments. In contrast, the former just transfers the required skills to subordinates; work progress is notable, vice versa of the latter. Rupert Murdoch of the News Corporation is ...

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...ding with integrity and moral purpose. Exploring Leadership.
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